I hereby dare, challenge, and defy every deity, angel, devil, jinn, witch, god, spirit, wizard, demigod, demon, ghost, or any other form of supernatural being, to visit all manner of destruction and woe upon my head, singly or en masse, immediately, this hour, this day.
If they collectively fail to do so, they are nothing and unworthy of further consideration. I spit at God, I bitch-slap Satan, I ritually defile Allah and Mohammed, I ridicule Zeus, I scoff at Ahura-Mazda, I piss on Siva, I defecate on the face of Jesus, I defy Odin, I scorn the angels, I dismiss the devils, and I laugh at their frustrated impotence and the convoluted excuses of their foolish followers.
I demand that all the curses of the idiot wiccans, all the groveling prayers of the god-worshipers, all the absurd incantations of the devil-lovers, and all the laughable forces of karma, either put up or shut up--either destroy me now, today, or be declared powerless and non-existent forever.
Visit me with plagues, strike me with lightning, smite me if you dare, today, or you officially do not exist.
Well, that should just about take care of it.
If they collectively fail to do so, they are nothing and unworthy of further consideration. I spit at God, I bitch-slap Satan, I ritually defile Allah and Mohammed, I ridicule Zeus, I scoff at Ahura-Mazda, I piss on Siva, I defecate on the face of Jesus, I defy Odin, I scorn the angels, I dismiss the devils, and I laugh at their frustrated impotence and the convoluted excuses of their foolish followers.
I demand that all the curses of the idiot wiccans, all the groveling prayers of the god-worshipers, all the absurd incantations of the devil-lovers, and all the laughable forces of karma, either put up or shut up--either destroy me now, today, or be declared powerless and non-existent forever.
Visit me with plagues, strike me with lightning, smite me if you dare, today, or you officially do not exist.
Well, that should just about take care of it.

And the Lord God spake unto them, saying, "A Great Fire be bound within all things, and know ye that be it unleashed, its energy shall be as like its mass, multiplied by the swiftness of the light, and so multiplied again." And they were much amazed. --II Physicists, Chapter IV, verses 5-8.