A common theme in religious children's entertainment is puppetry. A mob named Anglican Media produced such a show in Melbourne in the 1960s, and it was repeated endlessly at start of transmission on the 0-10 network. When I find people remember The Wotsaname Show today (there is not much on the internet), it's not for its religious content. With Community Television in the 1990s, we got two similar Canadian shows: Circle Square and Sonshiney Day. The former was connected to some disturbing looking camps ("ranches"), which looked like a traffic accident waiting to happen.
Going further into my past, the Education Department would pay for one traveling show to visit primary schools per term. While some of these were good (the guys who taught elementary mathematics through stage magic), or amusing (the Christians who didn't bring their cartoon, and had to show us an animated feature on evolution), an inordinate amount seemed to simply be religious and dull, with puppets. And they were never advertised as Christian (the teacher called then "religious fathers" ...?), I recall being annoyed at the lack of variety when we kept getting the same idiots. I distinctly remember the preaching starting, and thinking "So you're not Buddhists then."
Is there some great ur Christian puppet show, or Platonic form of lame that all these others are mere pale reflections of?
Going further into my past, the Education Department would pay for one traveling show to visit primary schools per term. While some of these were good (the guys who taught elementary mathematics through stage magic), or amusing (the Christians who didn't bring their cartoon, and had to show us an animated feature on evolution), an inordinate amount seemed to simply be religious and dull, with puppets. And they were never advertised as Christian (the teacher called then "religious fathers" ...?), I recall being annoyed at the lack of variety when we kept getting the same idiots. I distinctly remember the preaching starting, and thinking "So you're not Buddhists then."
Is there some great ur Christian puppet show, or Platonic form of lame that all these others are mere pale reflections of?