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RE: Homosexuality
(August 6, 2009 at 12:34 pm)Anto Kennedy Wrote: If it's linked to genetics then it's a genetic disorder surely.

No it's not and quit calling me shirley!

(sorry, couldn't resist)
I used to tell a lot of religious jokes. Not any more, I'm a registered sects offender.
...the least christian thing a person can do is to become a christian. ~Chuck
[Image: attemptingtogiveadamnc.gif]
RE: Homosexuality
(August 6, 2009 at 6:46 pm)chatpilot Wrote: Homosexuality is natural to a homosexual and how you like to have sex whether it's oral,anal,gay hetero is no ones business but your own.To say that homosexuality is an abomination comes straight out of your bigoted gods book of hate.

I never said it was an abomination. Never even tied it into any religious discourse.

I just don't think it's right. Personal opinion.

I once had an erection, whilst sitting on a bus, due to the vibrations of the engine...does that make me a busosexual. Should I hang around bus shelters and wait for others like me so we can have a busosexual orgy to satisfy my desire.

Quote:But honestly, if you bothered to research the topic it's widely accepted that being homosexual is a core part of a person's identity

That's just bull, our sexual urges are dumb instincts that play no role in the formation of our identity, in healthy individuals. Only in a maladjusted individual does development become arrested at the sexual level. The Freudian belief that sexuality was the core of a persons identity grew out of favour over 50 years ago, now most psychologists relegate sexuality to a phase of development in childhood, naught much more than that. Social development is the key concept now.

Quote:thus it occurs naturally and thus there's nothing wrong with it.

Wisdom teeth are natural, they still hurt like a bitch and I got them pulled out.

Quote:I, in fact, have already written a long winded post explaining how homosexuality occurs naturally, maybe you should actually read it?

It occurs, I can look at gay porn and be aroused. Never heard of an animal choosing, operative word is choosing, a same-sex mate or life-partner when a member of the opposite sex is available. A few monkeys giving eachother handjobs is no justification for giving up your social responsibility to find a same-sex lifepartner and raise a family of children that will grow up to be productive and moral citizens.

Homosexuality, as I define it, is a lifestyle. I should have defined my understanding of Homosexuality first. Homosexual behaviours, as opposed to lifestyle, are natural and harmless really. The lifestyle on the other hand, it may be un-pc to say this, is a social maladaption and developmental disorder....in my opinion of course.

Quote:Guardian: US researchers find evidence that homosexuality linked to genetics

Interesting article, I liked this passage,

Quote:One prominent psychiatrist, Dr Robert Spitzer of Columbia University, found controversial evidence that therapy can cause some gay people to change to a heterosexual orientation,

And this,

Quote:While sexual behaviour may be chosen, the preponderance of researchers say attraction is dictated by biology, with no demonstrated contribution from social factors such as parenting or other factors after birth.

Being attracted to a member of the same sex is relatively harmless, even engaging in some homsexual acts. But the lifestyle, the behaviour, the social effect of homosexuality is destructive.

As I said, I can watch gay porn and be arouse. I can watch beastiality too and sure enough, the little solider stands to attention. I could even suck a guys dick, and even make myself enjoy it. But I choose not too. My sexuality is all-encompassing, if it moves.....heck, it doesn't need to move, all hat's needed is a hole of phallic shaped object. Our impulses are that simple.

Quote:The likelihood that if one identical twin is gay, the other will be also be gay is much higher than the "concordance" of homosexuality between fraternal twins, indicating that genes play a role in sexual orientation, but are not the entire cause.

Orientation, not a biologically determined chain making you suck any and every dick you can possibly find.

One thing...where are the females in these studies? Kyu, can you answer that? I've seen all the "evidence" for the role biology has to play in male homosexuality, what about the females?

Quote:Compared to straight men, gay men are more likely to be left-handed, to be the younger siblings of older brothers, and to have hair that whorls in a counterclockwise direction.

Quote:"In the past decade, I think the pendulum has swung more toward biological theory and biological causes," said Richard Lippa, a psychology professor at California State University-Fullerton, who has studied hair patterns and other biological traits in gay men.

Quote:Evidence of that, said Michael Bailey, a professor of psychology at Northwestern University in Illinois, comes from studies of genetically male infants born with malformed or ambiguous genitals.

Quote:Researchers are eagerly awaiting a DNA study of male siblings with at least one gay brother by Bailey and other scientists at Northwestern University due in early 2009

Quote:By researching 800 sets of brothers
No sisters?

Quote:the Northwestern study is searching for the specific genes that influence some brothers to be gay and others to be heterosexual.

Quote:Women may have more fluidity of sexual expression than men, but that doesn't mean they don't have a specific sexual orientation, said Lisa Diamond, a professor of psychology and gender studies at the University of Utah who studies female sexual orientation.

One explanation is that women's sexual behaviour is driven more by relationships.

HAHA, bullshit. They've got no evidence that female homosexuality is biological so they tap into the old stereotypes of women....they don't like sex, they want relationships. Please.

Quote:For some women, "your sexual orientation does not provide the last word on the sorts of behaviours and identities you might experience in your lifetime," Diamond said.

But it does for men?

Quote:"Some lesbian women are predominantly attracted to women, but some of them have found themselves becoming incredibly close to their best male friends, sometimes having sex with them. It does not make them straight. It's not, since you had a one-night stand with your male friend, that you can choose to become straight."

Really....is this what we're calling science these days?

You see, it's not all set in stone. The scientific community needs to grow some balls and state facts, not pander to a bunch of raging queers.

Quote:No it's not and quit calling me shirley!

Well at least someones got a sense of humour.
RE: Homosexuality
Quote:The scientific community needs to grow some balls and state facts, not pander to a bunch of raging queers.

THAT is a bigoted and insulting statement. Not that it effects your credibility in any way;you never had any to begin with .

You sir are an ignorant,irrational and raving and homophobic.Perhaps time you came out of the closet.
RE: Homosexuality
Nature has an interesting way of fluking... but perhaps a little story might help you understand why being sexually attracted to one's particular sex is genetic.

Long ago, there was an asexual organism. It, like many others of its species, was replicating its DNA into two 'daughter' cells. However, part of the DNA in one of the 'daughter' cells was fluked, and when it had grown full size: it did not self-replicate like the others, but inserted some of its DNA into another cell of its same species. Thus began the superior process of sexual reproduction.

Men are the human result of this ancient process, born of a small genetic !malfunction!, or as i like to call it: fluke. Two daughters... one born with a penis, who had a primitive form of sex with the one without the fluke, is responsible for the creation of men. That sounds a lot like a lesbian relationship to me... and it's all because of raggedy old jeans.

So Auto... if lesbian sex was the first form of sex... why should it have been taken out of our DNA? There is no reason for it to have been lost in the process of evolution, because it has not been a detriment to animal survival, just like your apendix and your 4 little toes. If the DNA is not a detriment, then it is carried along whenever a creature (who has the DNA) reproduces, as natural selection has not needed to weed it out.

Instead of moaning and groaning about the state of science today (which i personally am absolutly amazed by), perhaps you devote a little time to thinking about what you are saying.

(PS, i may have gotten one of the particulars wrong with my story above... but since i'm not a super-scientist with a PHD: i don't have to be right all the time Big Grin It might have been a virus that caused the genetic shift in the cell, but at the same time it might have been radiation. As both are possible ways to evolve a species: i didn't take the time above to include those possibilities. Final note for homophobes: if you really hate 'gay' being in your jeans, perhaps it would be wiser to let them marry, thus ending the homosexual DNA strand that began advanced life on Earth?
Please give me a home where cloud buffalo roam
Where the dear and the strangers can play
Where sometimes is heard a discouraging word
But the skies are not stormy all day
RE: Homosexuality
(August 6, 2009 at 7:21 pm)Anto Kennedy Wrote: As I said, I can watch gay porn and be arouse. I can watch beastiality too and sure enough, the little solider stands to attention. I could even suck a guys dick, and even make myself enjoy it.

Sounds like you are a trisexual. You'll try anything.

If you are aroused by gay porn and can 'make yourself' enjoy knobbing a cob, guess what? You are a homo.
I used to tell a lot of religious jokes. Not any more, I'm a registered sects offender.
...the least christian thing a person can do is to become a christian. ~Chuck
[Image: attemptingtogiveadamnc.gif]
RE: Homosexuality
Quote:So Auto... if lesbian sex was the first form of sex.

Quote:PS, i may have gotten one of the particulars wrong with my story above

(August 7, 2009 at 8:48 am)Dotard Wrote: Sounds like you are a trisexual. You'll try anything.

If you are aroused by gay porn and can 'make yourself' enjoy knobbing a cob, guess what? You are a homo.

You kinda contradicted yourself there. One minute I'm a trisexual, the next a homo.

Beside I'm not a trisexual, just because my dick will get aroused by pretty much any stimuli visual, audio or sensual doesn't mean I'll indulge. Self-control, personal choice. But who needs that when you can just blame it all on your genes and take away any personal responsibility. "Gays are victims" is what the scientific community is saying now, but it's bull.

Quote:Nature has an interesting way of fluking... but perhaps a little story might help you understand why being sexually attracted to one's particular sex is genetic.

I never said it wasn't. I said a homosexual lifestyle is unnatural. The individual chooses to suck dick for life. The only thing that may be genetic is sexual orientation, and it's only an orientation, it doesn't turn you into a fag, that behaviour is learned.

Quote:You sir are an ignorant,irrational

You sir? What is this? A fecking duel on the Orient Express?

So....any evidence that homosexuality is genetic in the females of the species...or any species for that matter?
Quote:Although female homosexuality has appeared in many cultures throughout time, not until recently has lesbian described a group of people. In the late 19th century, sexologists published their observations on same-sex desire and behavior, and designated lesbians in Western culture as a distinct entity. As as a result, women who became aware of their new medical status formed underground subcultures in Europe and North America.

And there it is, a sociological phenomena.

Quote:Lesbians in Western cultures in particular often classify themselves as having an identity that defines their individual sexuality, as well as their membership to a group that shares common traits.

It might as well be a sports team fan club, only with shared sexual preferences as the team they support.

Quote:As women have generally been political minorities in Western cultures, the added medical designation of homosexuality has been cause for the development of a subcultural identity.

Know what else is a sub-cultural identity?

[Image: larp.jpg]

Quote:Other women, however, embraced the distinction and used their uniqueness to set themselves apart from heterosexual women and gay men.

It's basically a no-boys allowed club for "grown ups".

Quote:In the United States, the 1920s was a decade of social experimentation, particularly with sex. This was heavily influenced by the writings of Sigmund Freud, who theorized that people would behave in any manner to satisfy sexual desire. Freud's theories were much more pervasive in the U.S. than in Europe. With the well-publicized notion that sexual acts were a part of lesbianism and their relationships, sexual experimentation was widespread. Large cities that provided a nightlife were immensely popular, and women began to seek out sexual adventure. Bisexuality became chic, particularly in America's first gay neighborhoods.


I think I see a pattern....an academic, rightly or wrongly (usually wrongly), has a particularly permissive view on a sex, and before you know it the masses have taken that to mean they can do whatever they hell they like.....and they act as if it has always been that way.

If no academic had ever mentioned the word gay or lesbian, there would be no gays or lesbians in Western society. You'd have a small minority engaging in homosexual behaviours on-and-off, harmless. But you almost certainly would not have had the situation where a 14 year old declares themselves gay because they read in a science textbook that, "some men like women, other men like men, this is natural"

You guys act like the consenus view of homosexuality is the absolute truth and cannot be challenged. Our current understanding of human sexuality is woefully inadequate. (Our whole understanding of mind & identity is inadequate)
RE: Homosexuality
Anto, you write a whole lot of bullshit. Seriously, it would be funny if it weren't so horribly bigoted and disgusting.

Honestly, when I talk about sexuality being a core part of someone's identity, I'm not talking about Freudian psychology. I'm talking about the fact that your personally happiness suffers if you are forced to live your life with a partner you or not sexual attracted to. If I'm forced into a convention to marry someone of the opposite sex when I am not attracted to that sex, then I lose part of my identity. That's why gay marriage is gaining traction and WILL be fully legal in the US someday.

Your assertions that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice holds no water. Please tell me, when did you decide to be straight?
"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." Benjamin Franklin

::Blogs:: Boston Atheism Examiner - Boston Atheists Blog | :Tongueodcast:: Boston Atheists Report
RE: Homosexuality
Quote:Please tell me, when did you decide to be straight?


Quote:The lady doth protest too much,methinks

(Hamlet Act 111 scene 2)

PS I tended to ignore most the drivel from Anto. However, I honestly do find his expression of his homophobia not only staggeringly ignorant,but offensive. I have therefore put him on ignore.

Anto: that means I am no longer able to see anything you post.
RE: Homosexuality
(August 7, 2009 at 10:20 am)Anto Kennedy Wrote: You kinda contradicted yourself there. One minute I'm a trisexual, the next a homo.

Beside I'm not a trisexual, just because my dick will get aroused by pretty much any stimuli visual, audio or sensual doesn't mean I'll indulge.

The trisexual comment was a joke. You are a homo.

It's not your dick getting aroused, it's you!

Aroused by gay porn. check
Can imagine enjoying hobbin' ze knobbin'. check

You are gay.

Quote:Please tell me, when did you decide to be straight?

He didn't. He just decided to stay hidden in the closet, not only from society but from himself.
I used to tell a lot of religious jokes. Not any more, I'm a registered sects offender.
...the least christian thing a person can do is to become a christian. ~Chuck
[Image: attemptingtogiveadamnc.gif]
RE: Homosexuality
Hadn't read any of this thread until today, and must say its the funniest thing I've read for a long time.

First Anto claims there's "no such thing as homosexuality", then sidetracks into bigoted insults about pandering to the "raging queers", and finally clarifies his position with "I can watch gay porn and be aroused.... I could even suck a guys dick, and even make myself enjoy it."

Fucking laughing my ass off reading all this - Thanks Anto, your deep-rooted bigotry, and unwitting 'outing' have given me quite a chortle.....

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