Christian hypocricy?
January 14, 2016 at 6:44 pm
(This post was last modified: January 14, 2016 at 6:47 pm by TrueChristian.)
Dearest friends,
I have noticed that a lot of Christians can be quite hypocritical.
We know for example that many Christians are outraged at Gay marriage, and indeed at many Christian schools/universities beloved teachers/professors can be fired just for being gay.
But why aren't Christians outraged about divorce? Why no "anti-divorce movement." Why is it that churches aren't calling for a ban on divorce (which bible calls for) and why don't divorced people ever provoke christian outrage?
Also, why aren't christians in love with contraception and demand it's distribution? If they are in such a tizzy about abortion shouldn't they be concerned that couples who engage in naughty tricks before marriage be incapable of producing kids?
The republicans Christians should love contraception since it would help keep the "surplus population" of the wellfare roles.
Also, where does the Christian right get off on their shifted position on single/teenage motherhood? I seem to recall in the 80s- early 90s the average Christian position was that single mothers were shameless jezebels who are a symbol of this country's decay.
However, in more recent years when single motherhood became more acceptable ( and good little christian girls started getting pregnant
) they seemed to shift, saying that single mothers ( especially white, rich ones) are "heroes" for not getting an abortion. The christian compassion seems to end at poor minority single mothers, who they to this day castigate as bums
. They seem even outraged that there should be some sort of "wellfare" to support such women, which only allows for the bare minimum of food and elecricity anyhow 
I know your interractions with God believers are limited. But what causes this hypocricy and have any "good" ( as opposed to "true") Christians ever tried to justify this?
I have noticed that a lot of Christians can be quite hypocritical.
We know for example that many Christians are outraged at Gay marriage, and indeed at many Christian schools/universities beloved teachers/professors can be fired just for being gay.
But why aren't Christians outraged about divorce? Why no "anti-divorce movement." Why is it that churches aren't calling for a ban on divorce (which bible calls for) and why don't divorced people ever provoke christian outrage?
Also, why aren't christians in love with contraception and demand it's distribution? If they are in such a tizzy about abortion shouldn't they be concerned that couples who engage in naughty tricks before marriage be incapable of producing kids?
The republicans Christians should love contraception since it would help keep the "surplus population" of the wellfare roles.

Also, where does the Christian right get off on their shifted position on single/teenage motherhood? I seem to recall in the 80s- early 90s the average Christian position was that single mothers were shameless jezebels who are a symbol of this country's decay.
However, in more recent years when single motherhood became more acceptable ( and good little christian girls started getting pregnant

I know your interractions with God believers are limited. But what causes this hypocricy and have any "good" ( as opposed to "true") Christians ever tried to justify this?