Well, i decided to just "come out" and tell my brother. The resulting reaction was, well than positive. Here's the full conversation:
Me: hey bro (names have been removed for privacy reasons), you know what an atheist is right?
Brother: yeah, it's someone who doesn't believe in religion.
Me: *mumbles* well i guess thats kind of right
Brother: what?
Me: nothing. So, well, you see, i may be, um, an atheist.
Brother: you can't be!
Me: *mumbles* oh yes i kind of can
Brother: fine! Don't listen to anyone else!
Me: well anyway, i'd like it if you didn't tell mom and dad, you see, i know they're going to find out eventually, but i'd like it to be from me.
Brother: why?
Me: well, if you tell them, it seems like a just a phase i'm going through. But if i tell them, i can make it so they understand that it is a sound decision and that its not going to change.
Brother: well theres no way you can be an atheist!
Me: well, yes there is
Brother: well fine, i guess i just have to tell mom and dad then
Me: no! Thats the worst possible thing for you to do! Just, wait until i tell them? Please?
After that, we both left the room and went to bed. But i can't sleep. I was hoping he'd be mature enough to handle this news. I mean, i've known him since birth. When i fell off a ladder and beoke my arm, he made a makeshift sling out of his shirt until i was taken to the hospital. I don't want this to be an issue that leads to our separation. And if he takes it this badly, i don't even want to know how badly my parents will take it. I need advice on what to do, what to say. I just don't want him to hate me.
Me: hey bro (names have been removed for privacy reasons), you know what an atheist is right?
Brother: yeah, it's someone who doesn't believe in religion.
Me: *mumbles* well i guess thats kind of right
Brother: what?
Me: nothing. So, well, you see, i may be, um, an atheist.
Brother: you can't be!
Me: *mumbles* oh yes i kind of can
Brother: fine! Don't listen to anyone else!
Me: well anyway, i'd like it if you didn't tell mom and dad, you see, i know they're going to find out eventually, but i'd like it to be from me.
Brother: why?
Me: well, if you tell them, it seems like a just a phase i'm going through. But if i tell them, i can make it so they understand that it is a sound decision and that its not going to change.
Brother: well theres no way you can be an atheist!
Me: well, yes there is
Brother: well fine, i guess i just have to tell mom and dad then
Me: no! Thats the worst possible thing for you to do! Just, wait until i tell them? Please?
After that, we both left the room and went to bed. But i can't sleep. I was hoping he'd be mature enough to handle this news. I mean, i've known him since birth. When i fell off a ladder and beoke my arm, he made a makeshift sling out of his shirt until i was taken to the hospital. I don't want this to be an issue that leads to our separation. And if he takes it this badly, i don't even want to know how badly my parents will take it. I need advice on what to do, what to say. I just don't want him to hate me.