The good word and righteous action lifts it.
December 15, 2015 at 11:58 pm
(This post was last modified: December 15, 2015 at 11:59 pm by Mystic.)
The "pure" "good" word is the reality of faith, and it's the righteous actions that lift it. The importance of this is that it's the "good word" that is being lifted? The state of being is that of speech, testifying...the degree it speaks righteously and goodly and purely, it is raised. Righteous action is a form of it speaking, hence it raises it to new heights.
The other pointing thing this verse does is that it reminds as for honor, it's reality is such that all of it is to God all together, all possible levels of it, every ounce of it, God has it, and hence to ascend towards God the source of all honor, the spoken tongue which is the essence and foundation of being, must be pure and good, and it's the reality that ascends towards God. The reality is that of faith and testifying, the reality of that is speech of the soul, which it's true nature of existence, for the soul is itself expression and speech.
That is why the righteous action raises it, because it brings it to a new height of sincerity and sublimity. That is true nature of honor.
This verse coupled with 42:23 shows that love of Ahlulbayt itself is the pure word, the good word, the goodness of humanity, in which whoever does good, is increased therein in goodness. That is why in reality Unity (of God), testifying to Prophethood of Mohammmad and Authority of the successors is not possible without righteous action, for it's true nature is that of righteousness and love towards the blessed honorable word of light.
This verse coupled with the theme of faith and disbelief, shows, that truthfulness and being true to ourselves and to God, is of the utmost important qualities of what constitutes honor.
This is because God himself is the source of honor, by which honor ascends to him.
This is because God is utmost truthfulness and being true to one self is perfected in his own being.
This is because God is the archetype of all goodness, and honor, and hence, towards him does ascend the good speech and the righteous action lifts it.
This because God himself is the best expression, the expression of ultimate honor and sublimity, that doesn't lack any quality of speech of honor in creation, nor lack a single praise.
As the good word ascends, so must the nature of our actions. This is why we are need of a guide in the journey. Because it's toward God we are ascending, and since we are walking uncharted territories, we are in need of a guide, a person who shows the way through out the journey, and what we must do to perfect our talent.
This verse is also important towards the Atheist community, in that, it reminds them of the true nature of honor and goodness. In that reminder is knowledge of the soul and in that knowledge is knowledge of the Lord.
What raises us when we do a righteous action? How do we inherit our righteous actions? How does it change our being? And what rises and towards what and from what?
This verse is sublime. Surely among God servants are those who he is aware of who race ahead of all ahead in good deeds, the honorable of all honorable. It's from these that he chooses and honors his religion through.
Those who can't hear the sword of the honor in their soul speak are deaf. And those who are deaf are blind to the light. And those blind to the light fail to recognize the true nature of honor and goodness. And those who fail that, fail to know a great talent they been given. And those who fail to appreciate the great talent they been given, fail to appreciate the favor of God. Verily few have been those who are grateful.