PeTA's leadership are the type that remind me of Contrarian disorder. Supposedly this is a mental illness that causes the sufferer to adopt the contrary position of society, someone they're in dialog with, etc...
For instance, if I say to a Contrarian; I enjoy walks by the ocean. The contrarian will remark in return; I hate the ocean. I'd rather stroll by a lake.
PeTA, while their mission statement appears to indicate compassion and activism directed toward insuring the ethical treatment of animals, practices the exact opposite. They're not able to pursue lobbying for their cause, due to their 501c3 tax exempt status. And we all know their ethics are in the gutter, when it comes to animals. So what's their point?
Inflaming a gullible yet compassionate animal loving public, for profit. Even though their tax status implies they are a not for profit fraudulent organization.
But what a lucrative fraudulent pursuit it is. They have an operating budget I can't even begin to imagine and offices throughout the world.
And yet in their history, there is not one law regarding animal welfare that has ever been passed through the concerted investment of PeTA resources. Which is understandable given, again, their tax exempt restrictions to that effect. However, one would think an organization dedicated to animal welfare would not seek to be tax exempt so that they could retain lobbyists and fight for lawful protections and ethical treatment of animals.
PeTA, for quite some time, has been on the FBI and NSA terrorist watch list. Not only because of the level of membership they solicit, but because a large portion of their tax exempt donations go to fund "ALF" (Animal Liberation Front). Terrorists, by every description afforded the word.
It's an amazing thing, how love of animals will incite people to join an organization they don't truly know even the basics about. Celebrity endorsements aren't necessarily a reflection of anything different about that. PeTA has gone on the record and said they're exhibitionists and will do anything to remain relevant in the press. They solicit main stream popular celebrities in order to keep that priority current.
Meanwhile plastic Barbie's like Pam "I'll marry just to repay gambling debts" Anderson, would rather go naked than wear fur. While no doubt if she loves animals she's just another blond joke that has no idea how many pets PeTA murders every year. Not that it's hard to find, given 501c3 organizations like PeTA's documents are a matter of public record.
And besides, any self respecting Mink that's seen Pam without makeup would rather she simply remain clothed, while the animal simply runs faster and away from the traps.
And by the way Miles, thanks for the Rep. point.

However, I love cats. I even have one or two. (Un-drowned, tyvm.
