So, I got a Christian pamphlet stuck in my door today, and I thought to myself that I would take a look, if nothing for the fact that no one could accuse me of not trying to understand what the other side was all about. Plus, while all Christian arguments eventually fail in my eyes, I do enjoy the fact that some are more sophisticated than others, and I figured that since this is the message the printers want to spread, they'll bring their "A" game.
Here is a link to the pamphlet, and for copyright and brevity's sake, I will only quote some of the more precious gems within in their wisdom. See what you think for yourself. The whole thing seems to be aimed at someone that already accepts that god exists and that it is most likely the Christian god.
Overall, I think my favorite thing about this is the used car salesmen presentation of the whole thing, and for some reason, this is what came to mind when I was done...
Here is a link to the pamphlet, and for copyright and brevity's sake, I will only quote some of the more precious gems within in their wisdom. See what you think for yourself. The whole thing seems to be aimed at someone that already accepts that god exists and that it is most likely the Christian god.
Quote:Although we cannot understand how, God said my sins and your sins were laid upon Jesus and He died in our place. He became our substitute. It is true. God cannot lie.
Quote:“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13).
Whosoever includes you. Shall be saved means not maybe, nor can, but shall be saved.
Surely, you realize you are a sinner. Right now, wherever you are, repenting, lift your heart to God in prayer.
Quote:You say, “Surely, it cannot be that simple.” Yes, that simple! It is scriptural. It is God’s plan. My friend, believe on Jesus and receive Him as Savior today.
If His plan is not perfectly clear, read this tract over and over, without laying it down, until you understand it. Your soul is worth more than all the world.
Overall, I think my favorite thing about this is the used car salesmen presentation of the whole thing, and for some reason, this is what came to mind when I was done...