You can still ask me questions, if you're so inclined. But I had a lot so I figured I'd post what I have now. 
I think I am me, and when I die, if I am no longer me, then I am dead. It's a nice theory and all, but seems like just a way of clinging to an afterlife that doesn't really exist. When I'm dead I'm dead, but if I'm lucky I'll go down in a zombie apocalypse and eat some brains.
There is a children series by Lloyd Alexander called The Chronicles of Prydain. I used to hate to read but when I was about to go to high school, I started picking up books, and I credit Prydain with opening up my love for reading, especially fantasy. The name is based off of Princess Eilonwy. I add an extra "n" because I accidentally mispelled it, which ended up being a good thing because Eilonwy is often taken for a name.
I used to use Gabrielle as an internet handle when I first started going online because I was a fan of Xena Warrior Princess at the time, but after I read the books, I liked Eilonnwy better and it was more unique. Never had to put numbers after it. I have thought about changing my internet handle, but every time I think about it, I realize I like Eilonnwy too much. It's unique, it's been like this for years, it's a small homage to the books that got me to love to read, and it's part of my identity now, as I will answer to "Eilonnwy" or "Ely" as if it's my real name. For a while I was called Ely by a lot of my online to IRL friends.
I bet that was a longer answer than you expected!
(P.S. When you shorten Eilonnwy, I prefer Ely)
I have not dated someone since 2004. I was 19, I'm 25 now. Recently I was told by a friend that he thinks of me as being perpetually single. :/
Don't know enough about British politics to perform an opinion. I do know the libel laws are absurd, but that's about it. I should learn more given I want to become a political journalist.
But I tell you what, Irish politics are awesome.
Europe, likely England. I speak English only. I'm sure I could learn another if I applied myself, but considering I actually know people in England is a deal breaker. Japan comes in a close second. I know people there too.
I do not find individual belief damaging. If you chose to believe in a God, I have no issue with it. It tends to be the religious institutions that promote backward and hateful ideals that damage society. So I think religious institutions are very damaging. I think Islam is the most extreme example this, especially when you see UN Blasphemy laws attempt to stifle freedom of speech.
Not really. I'm kind of fed up with the filibuster, but only because the Republicans are abusing it. Ultimately I think we have a really good democratic system. If I could change anything about politics, it would be the hyperbolic speech. Treating Obama as an imperial dictator is disgusting and needs to stop. It's not conducive to open discourse.
Yes. I'm going back to school for Political Science with the goal of becoming a political journalist.
It's not really that bad at all. Boston is a liberal haven and I don't have to look hard to find another atheist. I have worn an atheist t-shirt around and I never get dirty looks or people berating me. In fact I tend to get compliments. Sure, there are churches and we have the "You will go to hell" sign guys that we see in Downtown Boston from time to time, but ultimately I've never felt a need to hide my atheism, and I am glad. I know other people cannot be as outspoken as me and I can't imagine living like that.
No. But I would love to own one. I have a small collection of weapons, none of them guns. To date I have two Katanas, one with a hidden dagger in the hilt, a battle ax, a tanto (dagger length katana), a large dagger & sheath, a small dragon designed knife set, a round chakram-like object with knives that pop out, a ring that goes over you entire finger like knights armour that has a blade on top, and a pocket knife.
If you haven't figured it out yet, I like knives/blades.
To the future! I don't know how far into the future. Maybe a thousand years? Ultimately, I've always loved that I live in a time where so many scientific discoveries have been made and we know about the universe in the way we do, but there are so many more discoveries to be made. It makes me sad that I won't get to know what it will be like a thousand, two thousand, ten thousand years from now.
My morbid curiosity wants to know what science and technology will be like then, and if we're in space.
Yeah, I love Boston. As I've said above, I don't have a problem being an atheist here. I love being a city girl, but I get lost in places like New York. Boston is small in comparison, which I like. The more I live here, the more I appreciate it. I'll always be a Boston girl at heart.
If I had to move within the US, maybe North New Jersey, near NY. I have friends a lot of friends there and my best friend is moving there to kick off her music career in New York. Plus NY is a big political center so that would work for my potential career.
Usually my favorite character in a show. They tend to be young boys. I don't know what that's about. >.> But I have a weird ability to look like a teenage boy. However, I do have a fair mix of boys and girls now as opposed to when I was younger and did mostly guys.
My favorite character to cosplay has been Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender. I get good reception for that character when I wear him and I loved learning how to make the scar and his costume is easy to wear. My favorite costume is Athrun Zala from Gundam Seed. I wanted to make the ZAFT uniform for sooo long but I waited until I felt my skills were good enough. I was absolutely proud of how the costume came out. I also enjoy wearing Draco Malfoy. It's a simple costume, but it's always fun.
You can see many of my costumes here, including the ones I have mentioned:
It was amazing. I have always loved James Marsters from Buffy, he's been my favorite TV Actor. I didn't expect much out of the brief meeting, just a chance to shake his hand and say hi, but we ended up having a brief conversation about the homosexuality in Buffy and Torchwood, how he was proud to have been a part of Buffy when it had the first prime time lesbian kiss and how he was happy to be a part of Torchwood when he found out about the "homosexual backlash". He's definitely pro gay and was like "Bring it on!" to homosexual controversy. During the conversation he held my hand the entire time. I nearly died. At the end, he told me to go see Gareth David Lloyd (Ianto from Torchwood), who was sitting next to him. I was so utterly overwhelmed at having talked to James Marsters and have him hold my hand that when I went to speak to Gareth I came off as a blithering idiot. I managed to be like "Oh I love Torchwood, I love your hat" and I could barely hold it together. He just kept looking at me smiling, I think he was confused. He must have thought I was crazy, I don't know. But I got to see James and hold an intelligent conversation with him, so it wasn't half bad. I also briefly saw Joe Flannigan from Stargate Atlantis.
I'm going back to Dragon*con this year and Michael Shanks is going, I'd love to see him. I would also love it if the cast of Supernatural went. Ultimately, though, I don't know if any of them could have topped meeting James Marsters.
Songs: With or Without You by U2, Won't Get Fooled Again by The Who, The Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkle.
Move: Jurassic Park
Book: War and Peace (Taking a page from John Sheppard's book there -_^ He goes to another Galaxy, decides to bring War and Peace because he'll probably have the time)
Yes. Soy milk. I can have soy, tofu, etc..., but they must put something in Soy Milk. I once had someone put a little bit of Soy Milk in a cup of coffee and I had a reaction after one sip. :/ I'm also slightly allergic to pesticides. I don't eat fruit often because the pesticides make my throat itch and my lips puff out. I try to buy organic if I can. I'm also lactose intolerant, which is not an allergy, but still restrictive to me diet.
Cat! Actually, whenever I think of this I can't decide between a cat and a bird. Cats are agile, cute, can sleep all day. But damn, wouldn't it be awesome to fly.

Quote:What is your view on the many worlds theory which states that every possible quantum outcome is realised and could this be a way for an individual to 'never die' as for every outcome that could lead to death there will be at least one that won't and the very fact that you perceive yourself as existing must mean you are in a universe where you have not yet died?
I think I am me, and when I die, if I am no longer me, then I am dead. It's a nice theory and all, but seems like just a way of clinging to an afterlife that doesn't really exist. When I'm dead I'm dead, but if I'm lucky I'll go down in a zombie apocalypse and eat some brains.
Quote:Where did the name Eilonnwy come from?
There is a children series by Lloyd Alexander called The Chronicles of Prydain. I used to hate to read but when I was about to go to high school, I started picking up books, and I credit Prydain with opening up my love for reading, especially fantasy. The name is based off of Princess Eilonwy. I add an extra "n" because I accidentally mispelled it, which ended up being a good thing because Eilonwy is often taken for a name.
I used to use Gabrielle as an internet handle when I first started going online because I was a fan of Xena Warrior Princess at the time, but after I read the books, I liked Eilonnwy better and it was more unique. Never had to put numbers after it. I have thought about changing my internet handle, but every time I think about it, I realize I like Eilonnwy too much. It's unique, it's been like this for years, it's a small homage to the books that got me to love to read, and it's part of my identity now, as I will answer to "Eilonnwy" or "Ely" as if it's my real name. For a while I was called Ely by a lot of my online to IRL friends.
I bet that was a longer answer than you expected!
(P.S. When you shorten Eilonnwy, I prefer Ely)
Quote:Tell us something about yourself that you think would surprise/shock us.
I have not dated someone since 2004. I was 19, I'm 25 now. Recently I was told by a friend that he thinks of me as being perpetually single. :/
Quote:What do you think of British politics?
Don't know enough about British politics to perform an opinion. I do know the libel laws are absurd, but that's about it. I should learn more given I want to become a political journalist.
But I tell you what, Irish politics are awesome.
Quote:If you had to emigrate, where would you go?
Europe, likely England. I speak English only. I'm sure I could learn another if I applied myself, but considering I actually know people in England is a deal breaker. Japan comes in a close second. I know people there too.
Quote:How damaging, if at all, do you think religious ideology is to the continued progress of humanity?
I do not find individual belief damaging. If you chose to believe in a God, I have no issue with it. It tends to be the religious institutions that promote backward and hateful ideals that damage society. So I think religious institutions are very damaging. I think Islam is the most extreme example this, especially when you see UN Blasphemy laws attempt to stifle freedom of speech.
Quote:Would you change the political system in the US if you had the chance, and if so, what would the change entail?
Not really. I'm kind of fed up with the filibuster, but only because the Republicans are abusing it. Ultimately I think we have a really good democratic system. If I could change anything about politics, it would be the hyperbolic speech. Treating Obama as an imperial dictator is disgusting and needs to stop. It's not conducive to open discourse.
Quote:Would you take up writing columns as a full time job if the opportunity arises?
Yes. I'm going back to school for Political Science with the goal of becoming a political journalist.
Quote:How bad is the religious climate for atheists where you live?
It's not really that bad at all. Boston is a liberal haven and I don't have to look hard to find another atheist. I have worn an atheist t-shirt around and I never get dirty looks or people berating me. In fact I tend to get compliments. Sure, there are churches and we have the "You will go to hell" sign guys that we see in Downtown Boston from time to time, but ultimately I've never felt a need to hide my atheism, and I am glad. I know other people cannot be as outspoken as me and I can't imagine living like that.
Quote:Do you own any guns?
No. But I would love to own one. I have a small collection of weapons, none of them guns. To date I have two Katanas, one with a hidden dagger in the hilt, a battle ax, a tanto (dagger length katana), a large dagger & sheath, a small dragon designed knife set, a round chakram-like object with knives that pop out, a ring that goes over you entire finger like knights armour that has a blade on top, and a pocket knife.
If you haven't figured it out yet, I like knives/blades.
Quote:If you had a time machine, to where and when would you go? Why?
To the future! I don't know how far into the future. Maybe a thousand years? Ultimately, I've always loved that I live in a time where so many scientific discoveries have been made and we know about the universe in the way we do, but there are so many more discoveries to be made. It makes me sad that I won't get to know what it will be like a thousand, two thousand, ten thousand years from now.

Quote:Are you happy at your present location (where you live)?
Yeah, I love Boston. As I've said above, I don't have a problem being an atheist here. I love being a city girl, but I get lost in places like New York. Boston is small in comparison, which I like. The more I live here, the more I appreciate it. I'll always be a Boston girl at heart.

Quote:If so cool, if not then where would you move to?
If I had to move within the US, maybe North New Jersey, near NY. I have friends a lot of friends there and my best friend is moving there to kick off her music career in New York. Plus NY is a big political center so that would work for my potential career.
Quote:Which type of character do you like to cosplay the most? Which has been your favourite character to cosplay, and (if not the same one) which has been your favourite costume?
Usually my favorite character in a show. They tend to be young boys. I don't know what that's about. >.> But I have a weird ability to look like a teenage boy. However, I do have a fair mix of boys and girls now as opposed to when I was younger and did mostly guys.
My favorite character to cosplay has been Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender. I get good reception for that character when I wear him and I loved learning how to make the scar and his costume is easy to wear. My favorite costume is Athrun Zala from Gundam Seed. I wanted to make the ZAFT uniform for sooo long but I waited until I felt my skills were good enough. I was absolutely proud of how the costume came out. I also enjoy wearing Draco Malfoy. It's a simple costume, but it's always fun.

You can see many of my costumes here, including the ones I have mentioned:
Quote:What was it like meeting James Marsters? Are there any other celebrities you'd really like to meet at conventions?
It was amazing. I have always loved James Marsters from Buffy, he's been my favorite TV Actor. I didn't expect much out of the brief meeting, just a chance to shake his hand and say hi, but we ended up having a brief conversation about the homosexuality in Buffy and Torchwood, how he was proud to have been a part of Buffy when it had the first prime time lesbian kiss and how he was happy to be a part of Torchwood when he found out about the "homosexual backlash". He's definitely pro gay and was like "Bring it on!" to homosexual controversy. During the conversation he held my hand the entire time. I nearly died. At the end, he told me to go see Gareth David Lloyd (Ianto from Torchwood), who was sitting next to him. I was so utterly overwhelmed at having talked to James Marsters and have him hold my hand that when I went to speak to Gareth I came off as a blithering idiot. I managed to be like "Oh I love Torchwood, I love your hat" and I could barely hold it together. He just kept looking at me smiling, I think he was confused. He must have thought I was crazy, I don't know. But I got to see James and hold an intelligent conversation with him, so it wasn't half bad. I also briefly saw Joe Flannigan from Stargate Atlantis.
I'm going back to Dragon*con this year and Michael Shanks is going, I'd love to see him. I would also love it if the cast of Supernatural went. Ultimately, though, I don't know if any of them could have topped meeting James Marsters.

Quote:If you were stranded on a desert island, and could only take 3 songs, 1 movie, and a book, which ones would you choose?
Songs: With or Without You by U2, Won't Get Fooled Again by The Who, The Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkle.
Move: Jurassic Park
Book: War and Peace (Taking a page from John Sheppard's book there -_^ He goes to another Galaxy, decides to bring War and Peace because he'll probably have the time)
Quote:Are you allergic to something ?
Yes. Soy milk. I can have soy, tofu, etc..., but they must put something in Soy Milk. I once had someone put a little bit of Soy Milk in a cup of coffee and I had a reaction after one sip. :/ I'm also slightly allergic to pesticides. I don't eat fruit often because the pesticides make my throat itch and my lips puff out. I try to buy organic if I can. I'm also lactose intolerant, which is not an allergy, but still restrictive to me diet.
Quote:If you were an animal what would it be ?
Cat! Actually, whenever I think of this I can't decide between a cat and a bird. Cats are agile, cute, can sleep all day. But damn, wouldn't it be awesome to fly.

"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." Benjamin Franklin
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