There's a good article at the BBC website about this. Apparently no less a figure than Project Prevention founder Barbara Harris 'admitted her methods amounted to "bribery", but said it was the only way to stop babies being physically and mentally damaged by drugs during pregnancy.'
Nevertheless I would always defend the freedom of anyone to express disagreement with me over the definition of the word bribe. Dictionaries provide information. They are not legislation.
More importantly, I am shocked at the BMA's reaction to this news story. To say that they 'do not take a view' on the charity Project Prevention is irresponsible. I am surprised they do not take a firmer view, it'll be their members who will be sued for carrying out these procedures on people unethically in the years to come.
Nevertheless I would always defend the freedom of anyone to express disagreement with me over the definition of the word bribe. Dictionaries provide information. They are not legislation.
More importantly, I am shocked at the BMA's reaction to this news story. To say that they 'do not take a view' on the charity Project Prevention is irresponsible. I am surprised they do not take a firmer view, it'll be their members who will be sued for carrying out these procedures on people unethically in the years to come.