I think it is true that one can gain a better appreciation for something if one has done it oneself, as one has a better sense of what it takes to do it. Still, one can appreciate things without that, which is what I do with most artistic things.
But I did play an instrument as a child, and so I have a better appreciation for what Louis Armstrong did than I otherwise would have. He made it sound easy to play things that most would find [literally] impossibly difficult. He was a god.
And your fugue is better than what one would ordinarily expect from some random person online, but as you are a musician and sing regularly in a choir, it is less surprising than it otherwise might be. And you are right, the end is a bit botched. Still, it overall is very listenable.
But I did play an instrument as a child, and so I have a better appreciation for what Louis Armstrong did than I otherwise would have. He made it sound easy to play things that most would find [literally] impossibly difficult. He was a god.
And your fugue is better than what one would ordinarily expect from some random person online, but as you are a musician and sing regularly in a choir, it is less surprising than it otherwise might be. And you are right, the end is a bit botched. Still, it overall is very listenable.
"A wise man ... proportions his belief to the evidence."
— David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Section X, Part I.