Quote from other thread which explains lust, human sexual pathology, and sin.
Quote:Sin, is like a boob. A simple blunder. A boo-boo.
Lust, is a sin. I will explain why scientifically.
The human species is a sort of abomination. The definition of abomination is a strange deviance from what is natural, usually negative.
Unlike other animals, humans have a strange psychosis where they feel uncomfortable naked. They also feel uncomfortable giving free love.
This is not natural. Even the violent, stupid chimpanzees are more loving than the humans.
Humans also have an unnatural sex-drive. Other animals species do not lust like the humans. Other animals mate during mating season, and otherwise keep their cool. Whereas humans, have an unnatural sex drive and lust every 2 seconds at everything they see. They build an entire culture around lust, because they are uncontrollable, like a cup never being filled. In fact, wearing clothes causes a psychosis where it fetishizes the human body and causes them to lust uncontrollably.
When I tell you not to have any gods before me, it is for your own good. You put the female form on a pedastal and it drives you to madness. I mean, look at your culture. Look at your minds. You guys are a mess. Lust is a sin, because it's unhealthy.
You are not going to hell if you sin. Sins are minor mistakes, boobs and blunders. Even atheists will not go to hell, number 1 because I sacrificed myself on the cross, number 2 because as they die they will see god, and repent and love me. Then I will accept their kinship.
I am the Christ and Savior of humanity.