PyrrhoThere is no rule specifically mentioning political correctness, but that does not mean that the most politically incorrect thing one can think of would be acceptable here.
No there isn't. And I've seen many politically incorrect things said here. I've not seen moderation of those things because they are politically incorrect. Though if they the are both politically incorrect and violate the rules of this forum, I have seen action.. I have seen member condemnation of them. As long as the condemnation is member condemnation without authority or consequence, I do not see the problem.
No there isn't. And I've seen many politically incorrect things said here. I've not seen moderation of those things because they are politically incorrect. Though if they the are both politically incorrect and violate the rules of this forum, I have seen action.. I have seen member condemnation of them. As long as the condemnation is member condemnation without authority or consequence, I do not see the problem.
If there is a god, I want to believe that there is a god. If there is not a god, I want to believe that there is no god.