Looks really good. The following popped into my head:
Appeal Process for Punishments: What can and can't be appealed (thinking primarily of bans) or should not be appealed, how to appeal (specifically if banned how do you submit an appeal), what to include in the appeal (could be simple like anything you feel supports/defends your appeal position, can't just say "I want to appeal" with no reason/justification), and anything else you can think of regarding the appeal process (i.e. 1st appeal, 2nd appeal, .......). Sigh, to much time dealing with employees and HR.
Protecting Rule Breakers: This one seems a little ambiguous. Not allowed? A member can be held accountable for anothers rule breaking by not reporting? What if the non offending member does not recognize the rule violation? I'm still relatively new here so my opinion may not have much impact. How about reporting suspected rule breakers is encouraged, or something to that effect. The down side to this may be increased reporting of petty issues.
OK, I'm done.
Appeal Process for Punishments: What can and can't be appealed (thinking primarily of bans) or should not be appealed, how to appeal (specifically if banned how do you submit an appeal), what to include in the appeal (could be simple like anything you feel supports/defends your appeal position, can't just say "I want to appeal" with no reason/justification), and anything else you can think of regarding the appeal process (i.e. 1st appeal, 2nd appeal, .......). Sigh, to much time dealing with employees and HR.
Protecting Rule Breakers: This one seems a little ambiguous. Not allowed? A member can be held accountable for anothers rule breaking by not reporting? What if the non offending member does not recognize the rule violation? I'm still relatively new here so my opinion may not have much impact. How about reporting suspected rule breakers is encouraged, or something to that effect. The down side to this may be increased reporting of petty issues.
OK, I'm done.
Being told you're delusional does not necessarily mean you're mental.