(August 10, 2015 at 12:35 am)Shuffle Wrote: I have a question for the theists out there. Who are your favorite apologists? I just wanted to know who you guys were getting your ideas from.
Some of you guys seem too smart for the average apologist, so I was wondering if you had some super genius creationists behind your belts. Don't get me wrong, not all of you seem too smart, so don't get too cocky.
I like listening to James McDonald/walk in the word ministries. If you Goto one place.com you can find his radio ministry archived there.
Not really an apologist, just a really good preacher. When I was in my darkest hours it seem like God was talking through His radio ministry directly too me. If I had a problem I could not get around James would have a lesson on it for me that day. It was absolutely unbelievable how many different times that happened. I don't listen as much anymore, but from time to time it still happens.
Aside from that I have no other formal teachers or training besides the direction Given by the Holy Spirit.