Quote:At least for the time being, of course, as the End Times are upon us, and God and "heaven's armies" will be bringing this existence to a wrap sooner rather than later. "The prophets longed to live in this day," Bachmann said, referring to the End of Days, "you and I are privileged to live in it."
Christians who get excited over the end of the world and the destruction of mankind should be called out on it. If any other group said that they were happy that the probably billions of people would die, we would think that they were sick. Religion shouldn't get a pass just because there will be no rapture. They still have decided that the appropriate reaction to the possible suffering and death of most of the planet(including those kids that they are supposed to love) is joy.
The real reason that some American Christians are against things like universal health care is because they are afraid of being part of the antiChrist's government. The antiChrist is supposed to offer good things to people, including peace on earth but if any body falls for him, even if accidentally, they will be eternally tortured too.