Okay, a recent argument with my sister has catapulted my interest in socialism. I know the basic gist of it, a collective organization of control of means of production and the distribution of wealth, more or less. Her being a Conservative (which drives me up the wall) she thinks socialism is all bad, my argument is that is not (current programs in America being the result of socialistic influence are the 40 hour work week, the illegality of child labor, social security and food stamps, etc., all good things). I want to learn more. Besides the obvious articles by Wikipedia and Encyclopedia Britannica, can anyone give me any pointers or suggestions for good reading material on the subject, either on the Internet or in any good public library (things such as history of socialism, economic theories of socialism, socialist programs in other countries, successful socialist states, failed socialist states, as well as democratic socialism)? I want to know as much about this subject as I can.
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."--Thomas Jefferson