I always gave my kids privacy. But I also told them not to agree to meet any fucking strangers on the internet. And they knew I was serious about that. They were good about listening to me. Unfortunately not all kids are good about listening, and they might meet that stranger on the internet, and that could end up being pretty fucked up. And that's the true danger of the internet and kids imo. And probably especially so for LGBT Youths who might attract unwanted attention from pedophiles (because they're easier targets, not because pedophiles are gay. Pedophilia isn't really about gender attraction)
This leads to many potential problems though:
LGBT kids and teens outed to parents.
Atheists kids and teens outed to parents
On the other side you want to make sure your kid isn't planning on shooting up their school, or meeting a stranger who promised them gifts.
Kids are usually very tech savvy, but parents are getting older and the gap isn't quite as big. Perhaps an ideal solution is that kids should constantly be reminded that their parents have the alert system. So at the very least LGBT and Atheist kids won't out themselves accidentally, and decide to get advice elsewhere so their parents aren't monitoring them. Not to mention a kid who is reminded they are being watched is less likely to look up something they shouldn't in the first place. It's like cops and cameras. Not sure that's the best fucking solution, but it's a start.
This leads to many potential problems though:
LGBT kids and teens outed to parents.
Atheists kids and teens outed to parents
On the other side you want to make sure your kid isn't planning on shooting up their school, or meeting a stranger who promised them gifts.
Kids are usually very tech savvy, but parents are getting older and the gap isn't quite as big. Perhaps an ideal solution is that kids should constantly be reminded that their parents have the alert system. So at the very least LGBT and Atheist kids won't out themselves accidentally, and decide to get advice elsewhere so their parents aren't monitoring them. Not to mention a kid who is reminded they are being watched is less likely to look up something they shouldn't in the first place. It's like cops and cameras. Not sure that's the best fucking solution, but it's a start.