(October 14, 2015 at 8:20 pm)JBrentonK Wrote: I am going to ask you about a word. The word is this:God was simply a title given to the big wig who had the power of life and death over his herd of dummies. In ancient times almost every major ruler was given the title of "god". The practice continued into the 20th Century in Japan and the North Korean ruler is treated as a god by his herd of dummies.
Tell us what you think about this word.
And why is it even a word?
(this is going to get interesting)
In the Bible the God character was simply the emperor of the dominant empire in the Middle East area that happened to control the Israelites/Hebrews/Jews. That's why the God character has so much dialogue in the Old Testament. It wasn't just one guy but a series of men, rotating among the various empires. The God character bit the dust when the last Babylonian emperor croaked and the Babylonian empire collapsed. That's why no one has heard from God for over 2,500 years. He isn't coming back.