An excellent post, and I think that you stated the issues well. And a large part of the problem, is that we do not understand time very well. If we could figure it out, we would be famous.
I would love to study more deeply into the subject however as Einstein said "If you cannot explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough". As I said, I don't think anyone understands it well, so therefore any study is going to be anything but simple. As with anything before the beginning of the universe, it is going to also get into a lot of theoretical assumptions.
It does seem that many in cosmology do tie time in relation to matter, and the space-time dimension. With this, it is theorized, that physics and even time itself break down if the singularity model is correct. Also if time does have a relation to matter then is there any time, if there is not any matter?
I would love to study more deeply into the subject however as Einstein said "If you cannot explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough". As I said, I don't think anyone understands it well, so therefore any study is going to be anything but simple. As with anything before the beginning of the universe, it is going to also get into a lot of theoretical assumptions.
It does seem that many in cosmology do tie time in relation to matter, and the space-time dimension. With this, it is theorized, that physics and even time itself break down if the singularity model is correct. Also if time does have a relation to matter then is there any time, if there is not any matter?