Skip the scientific absurdity of the naked assertion of an invisible sky wizard by any name. But even without that, once the believer proclaims the attribute "all powerful" the character ceases to be moral. Parents have a reason in reality as to why sometimes bad things happen to their kids, because they cant be everywhere all the time and protect the kid all the time. But using the claim "all powerful" means that you have the power to never let anything bad happen. To fail or neglect or ignore that ability is immoral. When humans under conditions where they can do something fail or cause harm the parent is held accountable. I see no logic in giving a claimed "all powerful" being a pass.
The attribute as a claimed idea is a failure in logic. The observation in reality is bad things happen. Of course nobody likes bad things happening, especially not to kids. Humans fail to consider that there is no magic security sky wizard in the sky, and the only thing that reduces bad things from happening is our understanding of reality, not gap filling with superstitious claims and fictional beings.
The attribute as a claimed idea is a failure in logic. The observation in reality is bad things happen. Of course nobody likes bad things happening, especially not to kids. Humans fail to consider that there is no magic security sky wizard in the sky, and the only thing that reduces bad things from happening is our understanding of reality, not gap filling with superstitious claims and fictional beings.