(December 14, 2015 at 12:14 pm)Drich Wrote:(December 7, 2015 at 9:13 pm)AFTT47 Wrote: This is exactly the kind of thing which gives me the impression (as I stated in another thread) that Trump has a personal agenda for running and it isn't to win the presidency. Anyone who is even the tiniest bit familiar with the American constitution and system of government knows that his proposal is just shy of utterly impossible. Why propose something that you know is a non-starter? Not only the Democrats but 90% of Republicans would reject this. And if by some minor miracle it were to pass and become law, SCOTUS would shoot it down 9-0. Even Scalia and Thomas aren't this crackers. So why bring it up?
Because Like it or not Trump is a smart business man. (His billionaire status proves this.)
He is showing us how running a country like a business will yield results. Let's say you have a product. You know it is worth 100.00 and so does the company who wants to buy it. It is a deal at 100.00, but let's also say you know the company buying it will try and barter with you no matter what price tag you put on it. Even if you offered it at 1/2 price they would want it for free.
So what to do? You over value your product and take it to market. which if their are other companies offering the same product, you'd be in trouble. but let's say this company only wants (Trump leading in the poles) what you offer even though your competitors are willing to give it away for free, and they still want your brand/your product. so you over ask to get what you wanted (maybe more) in the first place.
Trump originally said he did not want Syrian refugees in this country (this is the product). So he saw the market demand (douche bags want all refugees no questions asked.) So He over values (No muslims come into the country (till we sort things out/Which is all any of us want) So when he negotiates back to what he originally wanted, he looses nothing. He may also gain the crazy right wingers who want all muslims out, and he keeps or even strengthens his base who call for sanity/vetting (the figuring things out part) he originally wanted.
Plus if trump were to show his hand and explain what he did, he can show how weak/unable those running against him are when it comes to basic negotiations. Then he can also spin this to show how simple minded and maybe how over exposed those wanting all muslims (no questions asked) are endangering this country.
I think we will see some of this pan out in the debate tonight.
Smart and moral are two different things. Legal and moral are also two different things. Trump is a leach on society the way he got to the top. He isn't running for anything but his own ego. Jobs and Gates and Nick Hanoure are even richer than him and have far more morals than that reality show flunky.