Welcome aboard! I know from personal experience that it's good to be among like-minded people.
Your roommate sounds like a typical believer who thinks YOU are the one who is closed-minded. He admits as much with your Buddha example. He is in his Christian bubble and can't see any other point of view.
As for his beliefs, I would challenge him to prove that Jesus even existed. Challenge him to provide any historical evidence that his godboy was real. He'll probably bring up the accounts mentioned in the Bible. NO GOOD! We don't know who wrote the books of the Bible and the actual texts date to decades after Jesus supposedly lived. Plus, we don't have the original texts. All we have is copies of copies. Ask him to find a mention of Jesus in any historian's writings. And I mean historians who lived at the time Jesus was supposedly running around performing miracles. Because you can't! Then ask him why NO ONE would write about a man walking on water, healing the sick with a touch of his hand and rising up from the dead. And why would NO ONE write about zombies walking around after Jesus was resurrected?
Of course, he'll have some ridiculous answers that will satisfy him. But you can point out that if Jesus never existed (and there's no evidence he did) his entire religion is based on shit.
Oh, and I would also get some copies of "The God Delusion", "God Is Not Great", "Godless", and other atheist tomes. I would then leave these sitting conspicuously around the room.
Your roommate sounds like a typical believer who thinks YOU are the one who is closed-minded. He admits as much with your Buddha example. He is in his Christian bubble and can't see any other point of view.
As for his beliefs, I would challenge him to prove that Jesus even existed. Challenge him to provide any historical evidence that his godboy was real. He'll probably bring up the accounts mentioned in the Bible. NO GOOD! We don't know who wrote the books of the Bible and the actual texts date to decades after Jesus supposedly lived. Plus, we don't have the original texts. All we have is copies of copies. Ask him to find a mention of Jesus in any historian's writings. And I mean historians who lived at the time Jesus was supposedly running around performing miracles. Because you can't! Then ask him why NO ONE would write about a man walking on water, healing the sick with a touch of his hand and rising up from the dead. And why would NO ONE write about zombies walking around after Jesus was resurrected?
Of course, he'll have some ridiculous answers that will satisfy him. But you can point out that if Jesus never existed (and there's no evidence he did) his entire religion is based on shit.
Oh, and I would also get some copies of "The God Delusion", "God Is Not Great", "Godless", and other atheist tomes. I would then leave these sitting conspicuously around the room.
Science flies us to the moon and stars. Religion flies us into buildings.
God allowed 200,000 people to die in an earthquake. So what makes you think he cares about YOUR problems?
God allowed 200,000 people to die in an earthquake. So what makes you think he cares about YOUR problems?