I must apologize for my earlier contradictory statements. Now that that is out of way, I can start commenting again. I apologize in advance to my fellow Kuffar for any jargon (technical language) you may see.
So maybe there's no Ijma regarding alcohol. Fine. But can we really say that there is consensus on any issue besides the basic tenants (such as five pillars)? People's biases will always play a role in the reading of Iayh and the Fiqh. Yet you make it sound as though there is grand conspiracy between the Madhhab and that they are all corrupted? You really think that alcohol banning is part of Bid‘ah or something?
Abdullah Yusuf Ali's Quran is one of the monster popular - if not the most popular English language Quran. If there was really that much wrong with it then don't you think that people would have known by now? Sir Ali (he was knighted) was a good man. And, last I checked, Ishmalis (he was Dawoodi Bohra) were mostly reasonable people - far from the Fascist Salafis/Wahaabis. You have no evidence that Abdullah's thinking was clouded by Fatwas.
Obviously Allah is not human. I'm not claiming Allah is human. But I like your wording, and, yes, I think that Allah is a drama-queen. Non-human animals can be drama-queens too, but nobody claims that they are "human".
I am merely observing the actions of Allah and making a judgement. Nobody accuses our universe of being a bully because the universe is not conscious. Our universe doesn't claim to care about us. The universe isn't thinking: "Time to throw another huge rock in the direction of the Earth", because it can't. But Allah does claim to consciously intervene in the affairs of humanity; we've seen it many times. e.g. Noah, Pharaoh and Abraham.
Speaking of Abraham. If Allah knows everything, then why did Allah need to "test"Abraham? Surely, Allah knows Abraham better than Abraham knows himself. And child killing? Seriously? People in Jahiliyyah did that sort of thing (killing their children) and thought Muhammad was supposed to be against that sort of thing, yet he's preaching about Allah telling a person to kill their child.
We were designed for this universe - not the other way around. In fact, humans are far from being perfectly designed. But we can adapt to the universe.
You can start learning about Zarathustra here (I also aim to purchase the book "Zoroastrians: Their Beliefs And Practices"):
The Zoroastrian Foundation of Modern Religion w/ Dr. Robert Price
So maybe there's no Ijma regarding alcohol. Fine. But can we really say that there is consensus on any issue besides the basic tenants (such as five pillars)? People's biases will always play a role in the reading of Iayh and the Fiqh. Yet you make it sound as though there is grand conspiracy between the Madhhab and that they are all corrupted? You really think that alcohol banning is part of Bid‘ah or something?
Abdullah Yusuf Ali's Quran is one of the monster popular - if not the most popular English language Quran. If there was really that much wrong with it then don't you think that people would have known by now? Sir Ali (he was knighted) was a good man. And, last I checked, Ishmalis (he was Dawoodi Bohra) were mostly reasonable people - far from the Fascist Salafis/Wahaabis. You have no evidence that Abdullah's thinking was clouded by Fatwas.
Obviously Allah is not human. I'm not claiming Allah is human. But I like your wording, and, yes, I think that Allah is a drama-queen. Non-human animals can be drama-queens too, but nobody claims that they are "human".
I am merely observing the actions of Allah and making a judgement. Nobody accuses our universe of being a bully because the universe is not conscious. Our universe doesn't claim to care about us. The universe isn't thinking: "Time to throw another huge rock in the direction of the Earth", because it can't. But Allah does claim to consciously intervene in the affairs of humanity; we've seen it many times. e.g. Noah, Pharaoh and Abraham.
Speaking of Abraham. If Allah knows everything, then why did Allah need to "test"Abraham? Surely, Allah knows Abraham better than Abraham knows himself. And child killing? Seriously? People in Jahiliyyah did that sort of thing (killing their children) and thought Muhammad was supposed to be against that sort of thing, yet he's preaching about Allah telling a person to kill their child.
We were designed for this universe - not the other way around. In fact, humans are far from being perfectly designed. But we can adapt to the universe.
You can start learning about Zarathustra here (I also aim to purchase the book "Zoroastrians: Their Beliefs And Practices"):
The Zoroastrian Foundation of Modern Religion w/ Dr. Robert Price