The above quote didn't show in full because of a few hyperlinks I failed to edit after pasting the two paragraphs. Here's the correct version for those of you that aren't amenable to reading the complete article on its website. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Quote:For too long, politicians have been called upon to tout their (typically Christian) faith in order to be deemed electable. This lack of authenticity has wide-ranging consequences. When voters accept that politicians must obscure the truth about their beliefs in order to win a race, we effectively relinquish a basic psychological pre-condition for trust. Sanders’ honesty may make Americans—religious and non-religious alike—trust him more, and perhaps even wake us from our stupor of cynicism.
What’s more, the notion that candidates are only viable if they comport themselves as church-going Christians has become increasingly outdated. A 2015 Pew study showed that 23% of Americans chose “none” when asked about their religion. A full third of Americans ages 30 and under do not affiliate themselves with any religion; and 7% of Americans define themselves as atheists or agnostics. These changes are happening across a wide range of demographic groups, as the Pew study notes.