It is natural for humans to use any and every thing they can to convince their fellow humans to see things in their way. We use science, emotion, and moral accusation often in these abortion arguments.
I would want to see the true reasoning behind this from the religious side. If it where just about saving lives then I could go with that however, when i look to the Bible it seems to me that God had no problem killing children. If i where to live by that example then it would be okay to kill children as long as they where non believers or children of non believers.
plus, as has been said, the question remains about what happens to the unwanted baby after it is born. It appears that the caring side of the protesters fade away.
With all this in mind it is difficult for me to believe that the true intention of the religious protesters stands the on a high moral ground of saving lives.
Controlling women's reproductive rights, however, does seem like a viable reason for the religious protester. Throughout the Bible God often gives rules of sexual conduct. It would not be inaccurate to say that these rules where more strict on women than men. In most of western history women have born the brunt of sexual oppression. So between religion and culture women where given little to no choice over their bodies.
With but a scant few years ago (Roe vrs Wade) this control was greatly diminished. Their are other examples of expanding women's choice such as birth control and the ability for divorce at the woman's choice but I'll stick with the subject. It is natural that 1000's of years of culture and religion would fight to take back the choice that was once given to man (literally) and God.
So from what I see it's not about "saving babies" it's about taking women's reproductive rights in the name of God and culture little by little or as much as they can at once. Abortion is a form of birth control and birth control of any kind gives women the ability to be sexual at their discretion. This is something for which most religious communities are against. Envision a world where all sex outside of marriage (including masterbation) is illeagal and then you have what the Christians want. Women would be painted into a sexual corner where as men would be free to try to have all the sex they want with little to no repercussions as it was when I was growing up in small town USA in Bible belt kansas.
If the religious push stopped at abortion (and not on to birth control and premarital sex) then I might be okay with the pro-life movement. History and other countries under such rule (theocracy) have shown that they wont.
Please try to see the forest for the trees of this issue and understand that the real reason is not so noble as they claim.
I would want to see the true reasoning behind this from the religious side. If it where just about saving lives then I could go with that however, when i look to the Bible it seems to me that God had no problem killing children. If i where to live by that example then it would be okay to kill children as long as they where non believers or children of non believers.
plus, as has been said, the question remains about what happens to the unwanted baby after it is born. It appears that the caring side of the protesters fade away.
With all this in mind it is difficult for me to believe that the true intention of the religious protesters stands the on a high moral ground of saving lives.
Controlling women's reproductive rights, however, does seem like a viable reason for the religious protester. Throughout the Bible God often gives rules of sexual conduct. It would not be inaccurate to say that these rules where more strict on women than men. In most of western history women have born the brunt of sexual oppression. So between religion and culture women where given little to no choice over their bodies.
With but a scant few years ago (Roe vrs Wade) this control was greatly diminished. Their are other examples of expanding women's choice such as birth control and the ability for divorce at the woman's choice but I'll stick with the subject. It is natural that 1000's of years of culture and religion would fight to take back the choice that was once given to man (literally) and God.
So from what I see it's not about "saving babies" it's about taking women's reproductive rights in the name of God and culture little by little or as much as they can at once. Abortion is a form of birth control and birth control of any kind gives women the ability to be sexual at their discretion. This is something for which most religious communities are against. Envision a world where all sex outside of marriage (including masterbation) is illeagal and then you have what the Christians want. Women would be painted into a sexual corner where as men would be free to try to have all the sex they want with little to no repercussions as it was when I was growing up in small town USA in Bible belt kansas.
If the religious push stopped at abortion (and not on to birth control and premarital sex) then I might be okay with the pro-life movement. History and other countries under such rule (theocracy) have shown that they wont.
Please try to see the forest for the trees of this issue and understand that the real reason is not so noble as they claim.