(March 12, 2011 at 4:11 pm)HeyItsZeus Wrote: internet libertarians are usually two or more of the following: white, nerdy, male, suburban, (hostilely) atheistic, and well-off. they usually have close-knit, supportive families as well. a true internet libertarian has never lived for long periods of time in anywhere but an affluent suburb. they are naive, sheltered fucks to a tee. they also tend to be less smug and vocal about their politics IRL - they fear (more) social rejection.I think the only categories I hit there are white, nerdy, and male. That's pretty much the same as half the people on this site...
internet libertarians are mostly Randites and Ron Paul Revolution groupies. you will find them preaching their Pollyanna-like views of wanton deregulation/decentralization/isolationism in any sufficiently nerdy online venue - think Slashdot, Reddit, or an imageboard with a political discussion section.
they tend to be excessively fond of dense, idiosyncratic video games like TF2 and Minecraft
So no, I don't think I'm an Internet liberatarian at all. I came across libertarianism at university, whilst talking politics with my main group of friends. I don't have any problems discussing it with people IRL, in fact I enjoy pointing out all the holes in their political beliefs.