(March 19, 2011 at 5:12 pm)Aerzia Saerules Arktuos Wrote: One which grows wider and fuller with every post of a person that you read.Even after a milion posts Sae, you are still very far from knowing the person. Even in real life you cannot know a person completely. Even if that person is the person you share your bed for a lifetime, if you know what I mean
Quote:Except when they are notDon't forget that over the internet people act differentely, not always on purpose, sometimes its just because its hard to convey ideas/thoughts/etc, through writing
Quote:Never attended a tea party movement, have you?Nope, and I hope I never will
Quote:Which is how Sarah Palin appeals to the stupid masses. L'sigh...Ahhwww, she is so lovely, isn't she? <---Apply sarcasm tags here