The more people you get in to ask to keep a secret the harder it becomes to keep. Now with the size of our law enforcement, it is simply bullshit to claim a cover up is possible.
1. There is no political party oath to join any law enforcement.
2. The higher up you go in law enforcement, to the elite such as the Secret Service, they craw up your ass with a microscope all the way through your life, to vet you.
3. Both with the JFK and 9/11 there were way too many diverse individuals involved with those investigatons to make a conspiracy cover up work. PERIOD. In both cases the mundane lead to those events. Lack of enough security, holes in security.
Conspiracies are pop out just as a form of delusion, because to the person buying them, the mundane is not sexy enough for them. The same crap that causes people to buy JFK/9/11 is the same crap that cause people to buy claims of big foot and Area 51 and crop circles.
1. There is no political party oath to join any law enforcement.
2. The higher up you go in law enforcement, to the elite such as the Secret Service, they craw up your ass with a microscope all the way through your life, to vet you.
3. Both with the JFK and 9/11 there were way too many diverse individuals involved with those investigatons to make a conspiracy cover up work. PERIOD. In both cases the mundane lead to those events. Lack of enough security, holes in security.
Conspiracies are pop out just as a form of delusion, because to the person buying them, the mundane is not sexy enough for them. The same crap that causes people to buy JFK/9/11 is the same crap that cause people to buy claims of big foot and Area 51 and crop circles.