(April 16, 2016 at 9:18 am)abaris Wrote:The question is if Hitler was a Christian. The historical record shows that he acted as a Zionist in order to get the Jews to move to Palestine. There were widespread fundraising drives to buy land there for them and to finance their resettlement. The English gave them citizenship there as soon as they arrived.(April 16, 2016 at 4:50 am)Wyrd of Gawd Wrote: Hitler was a Zionist wearing Christian clothes. He tried to get the Jews to move to Palestine in accordance with the Zionist agenda but they didn't want to go. When Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, it was too late for them to make an easy exit. So Hitler kept most of them safe in concentration camps. A lot of the former inmates are still alive today because he looked out for his peeps.
Wow, you're a malicious and fundamentally ignorant idiot.
This cannot go without a reply although you will not accept it and wave it a way as jewish propaganda, which only speaks volumes about your true nature.
You should look up the "Zionist" system Eichmann installed, first in Vienna, later on in other cities. Jews were robbed of their last penny before being allowed to emmigrate. If another country graced them with a Visa, that is. If not, they were stranded. My family was among them, lucky enough to have hungarian ancestry, so they could go there. Most weren't as lucky.
In the meantime the Western banks were financing Nazi Germany although the Jews were trying to destroy the German economy.
Hitler did his part by helping to create a pushback against the efforts to destroy the German economy. The intent was to get the Jews to leave but they didn't want to go. Once the war started things took a new direction. But for the most part the Jews take were interned in the concentration camps were in relatively safe places. If Hitler had wanted to kill them he would have locked them up in German cities and the Allies would have firebombed them. Or he could have sent them as cannon fodder against the Russians.
Hitler may have appeared to have been a Christian but he was really a true Zionist. An unbiased reading of historical documents shows that to be true.
As far as Jews needing visas they didn't need any to go to Palestine. The majority didn't want to go there. The Zionists (and English and some Americans) wanted them to go there. That's the main reason they weren't eager to help them go elsewhere. They wanted to stick to Theodor Herlz's master plan for creating the Jewish state in Palestine.
As for your family, they should have gone to Palestine as the Zionists wanted them to do instead of sitting on their asses in Europe during WWII.