(April 3, 2011 at 2:13 pm)Ubermensch Wrote: He was deliberately antagonising these people who were already predisposed to violence and he knew what he was doing. It'd be like walking up to a huge ex-con black man and yelling "nigger" in his face a few times. You shouldn't ought to be surprised when he clocks you or pops your head right off your shoulders.
That said, I find this whole thing to be morbidly hilarious. The pastor burnt the bible in order to draw attention to Islamic extremism. Then as if to prove his point, flash mobs of Afghani muslims rioted, exploded and murdered people. Well done guys. It's real basic humour but it's still a hoot.
Look at that picture of those peaceful afcrapistan people going frothy mouthed burning an image of the president over something he didnt do. They know what they are doing, and they know it can instigate violence. So therefore, according to you, we Americans can go on a rampage of our own and kill muslims in America for what these people did in afghanistan. DO YOU NOT SEE that you are giving special rules for one group, and holding another group to a higher standard?
Also, look at the presidence you are setting. You say it is okay for someone to turn a small slight against their feelings into a violent and potentially deadly reaction when you come to racism...so I ask you to stand behind your moral judgement with integrity..You must OBVIOUSLY support a Christian, upon finding out that you are an atheist or something he doesnt like, firing you from your job and smacking you across the jaw with a pipe. Guess what, according to your logic, you had it coming. How dare you instigate someone by publicly proclaiming that you oppose their most cherished beliefs. You should have just stayed quiet and let them have their way. You should have known better, and you are responsible for all the other people that Christian harmed or killed during the rampage that YOU started.
With that said, at least you understand why the pastor did it. This reflects POORLY on the Muslims in the middle east.