RE: Japanese Radiation
April 9, 2011 at 7:12 pm
(This post was last modified: April 9, 2011 at 7:23 pm by LEDO.)
Part 4.
Japan is far worse tham TMI. After the initial release TMI controlled all of its releases. The area of the plume of TMI was far less. At Japan we have 3 melted cores plus a fuel pool that has about 5-6 cores worth of fuel. Pieces of that fuel were blown a mile away. Nothing like that happened at TMI. You could drive 5 miles SW of TMI and have been out of danger. Japan will affect a larger population. As of right now the activity released has been estimated at 40% that of Chernobyl and I think that is low considering the water being dumped into the ocean. In every sense of the word, Japan is worse than TMI. I am not an expert on level events. These are based upon specific criteria, of which I am not familiar. Normally the criteria is based upon the extent of the area that is effected and the level of government involvement and maybe curie release.
I don't know about atoms falling as soon as they escape. Perhaps he is referring to radioactive isotopes falling from the sky as soon as it rains. The isotopes are just like dust, they are heavier than air, but depending on the airstream they can get carried around the world as we have seen. If you are really concerned, the southern hemisphere would be safer, although I don't recommend anyone move, unless they live near the plant.
What can be done? As far as people who live outside of Japan, wash your vegetables would be my only advice at the moment. As for me I face a possible lay off in August so I am trying to learn Japanese. It seems they have a different word for everthing except "pen." As for the Japan, move SW from the plant as that appears to be the least affected by the plume, i.e. stay upwind.
What I would do in Japan...
Block off all roads going into the area where the dose and contamination rates exceed limits. I woudl get 10,000 TLDs (devices worn to detect exposure). I would hold one day training classes for Rad workers, get rescue people badged and into damaged areas so they can conduct proper search and rescue.
I woudl divide the affected areas into districts and have a group of guys like myself constantly measuring rates, and using mobil labs that can do more than a simple GeLi count. I would use my universities to do the alpha spec, Beta spec, and tritium analysis needed to determine what areas can be reoccupied. They need to start training workers to do what I do-now.
The plant is a mess. They create 400,000 gallons of waste a day. They have no where to put it. They have emptied their tanks (pre-accident radioactive water) into the ocean to make room for the hotter stuff. They will need shielding, lots of lead and scaffold to hold it up and I mean lots of it. They need to shield those tanks BEFORE they pump water into them. They also need to process that water, which will be nearly impossible to do because of the seawater. They may have to boil it off. They need to get engineers on that ASAP. They will also need dry cask storage units, cherry pickers, and water processing to make sure they have clean water so they can decon their own people. They need better respirators too, something that forces air into the face via a fan which has a higher protection factor than the ones they are currently using. (Powered Air Purifing Respiartor). Thsoe poor workers are just sucking up contamination. They can also use lead to shield the control room as "shadow shielding." they can use grunts to hang the lead and get dose so their operators can work in the control for longer periods.
Part 5. There are sections in Japan which exceed contamination limits to the NW and south of the plant. A few good rains and a bulldozer will take care of most of it, although I might not want to plant a garden for a few years. The contamination will get into the soil and be dispersed through the vegetation. Trumpet Vine soaks up soil contamination very nicely, I am sure Japan will find something that will work for them. They will be occupied again, although there will be a radius around the plant that TEPCO is going to have to control for awhile, my guess is about a mile.
Skipper, Japanese people will be able to stare at goats and cause them to have a heart attack, however they won't use their powers unless they are hungry.
Japan is far worse tham TMI. After the initial release TMI controlled all of its releases. The area of the plume of TMI was far less. At Japan we have 3 melted cores plus a fuel pool that has about 5-6 cores worth of fuel. Pieces of that fuel were blown a mile away. Nothing like that happened at TMI. You could drive 5 miles SW of TMI and have been out of danger. Japan will affect a larger population. As of right now the activity released has been estimated at 40% that of Chernobyl and I think that is low considering the water being dumped into the ocean. In every sense of the word, Japan is worse than TMI. I am not an expert on level events. These are based upon specific criteria, of which I am not familiar. Normally the criteria is based upon the extent of the area that is effected and the level of government involvement and maybe curie release.
I don't know about atoms falling as soon as they escape. Perhaps he is referring to radioactive isotopes falling from the sky as soon as it rains. The isotopes are just like dust, they are heavier than air, but depending on the airstream they can get carried around the world as we have seen. If you are really concerned, the southern hemisphere would be safer, although I don't recommend anyone move, unless they live near the plant.
What can be done? As far as people who live outside of Japan, wash your vegetables would be my only advice at the moment. As for me I face a possible lay off in August so I am trying to learn Japanese. It seems they have a different word for everthing except "pen." As for the Japan, move SW from the plant as that appears to be the least affected by the plume, i.e. stay upwind.
What I would do in Japan...
Block off all roads going into the area where the dose and contamination rates exceed limits. I woudl get 10,000 TLDs (devices worn to detect exposure). I would hold one day training classes for Rad workers, get rescue people badged and into damaged areas so they can conduct proper search and rescue.
I woudl divide the affected areas into districts and have a group of guys like myself constantly measuring rates, and using mobil labs that can do more than a simple GeLi count. I would use my universities to do the alpha spec, Beta spec, and tritium analysis needed to determine what areas can be reoccupied. They need to start training workers to do what I do-now.
The plant is a mess. They create 400,000 gallons of waste a day. They have no where to put it. They have emptied their tanks (pre-accident radioactive water) into the ocean to make room for the hotter stuff. They will need shielding, lots of lead and scaffold to hold it up and I mean lots of it. They need to shield those tanks BEFORE they pump water into them. They also need to process that water, which will be nearly impossible to do because of the seawater. They may have to boil it off. They need to get engineers on that ASAP. They will also need dry cask storage units, cherry pickers, and water processing to make sure they have clean water so they can decon their own people. They need better respirators too, something that forces air into the face via a fan which has a higher protection factor than the ones they are currently using. (Powered Air Purifing Respiartor). Thsoe poor workers are just sucking up contamination. They can also use lead to shield the control room as "shadow shielding." they can use grunts to hang the lead and get dose so their operators can work in the control for longer periods.
Part 5. There are sections in Japan which exceed contamination limits to the NW and south of the plant. A few good rains and a bulldozer will take care of most of it, although I might not want to plant a garden for a few years. The contamination will get into the soil and be dispersed through the vegetation. Trumpet Vine soaks up soil contamination very nicely, I am sure Japan will find something that will work for them. They will be occupied again, although there will be a radius around the plant that TEPCO is going to have to control for awhile, my guess is about a mile.
Skipper, Japanese people will be able to stare at goats and cause them to have a heart attack, however they won't use their powers unless they are hungry.
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