No offence,but why should I give any credence to a confused individual who refers to himself as "a "chrisitian/catholic' atheist? Imo those terms are oxymorons,period. IE a 'Christian' is one who believes in the teachings of Christ, which specifically include a belief in God.(simplest example ;"The Lord's Prayer").An atheist is one who does not believe in god(s)
My standard reference for word definitions is The Concise Oxford Dictionary.One may of course change the standard meaning of a word,but it seems a bits pointless if others simply don't understand or agree with your meaning. Standard meanings of words is the basis for meaningful oral and written communication.
The post itself seems to me more like a paranoid polemic than a reasoned argument.
My standard reference for word definitions is The Concise Oxford Dictionary.One may of course change the standard meaning of a word,but it seems a bits pointless if others simply don't understand or agree with your meaning. Standard meanings of words is the basis for meaningful oral and written communication.
The post itself seems to me more like a paranoid polemic than a reasoned argument.