Looks like you needn't worry about Drumpf doing the right thing. As always, he doubles-down on stupidity.
So far, they seem to be saying "go fuck yourself."
Quote:Trump campaign asks Capitol Hill for backing in Khan controversy
Quote:U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign appealed to Capitol Hill for support on Monday as his attacks on the Muslim parents of a decorated U.S. soldier killed in Iraq drew sharp rebukes from fellow party members.
Quote:Rob Wasinger, a onetime congressional candidate who has been working for the Trump camp on congressional outreach, sent an email to senior Senate aides saying, “We want to get several member statements out today on this, and would really appreciate your help.”
A similar appeal was made to Republicans in the House of Representatives, according to a senior aide.
Attached to the appeal were talking points lawmakers could use to try to tamp down the controversy growing since last week’s appearance at the Democratic convention by the Khans, the parents of U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed by a bomb in Iraq 12 years ago.
So far, they seem to be saying "go fuck yourself."