Albert Einstein once said "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind..".
Scientifc achievement is fueled by the idealism of religion. Science cannot afford to divorce religion or as some would have it "eradicate" religion altogether...
Whirling Moat
Quote:Religion isn't the root of all evil, it just impedes process, it always has. While I admit that pre-monotheistic religions made massive strides in astronomy. But this progress was slowed to a crawl, forcing people like Galileo and Newton to restrict their discoveries to fit within the confines of religious doctrine. Honestly if we hadn't been arguing over the morality of stem cell research, how far along would that field would be now? If all our greatest minds could focus on progress and not defend themselves against absurdly zealous believers, we could do the extraordinary at a steady pace, not one uphill.
Albert Einstein once said "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind..".
Scientifc achievement is fueled by the idealism of religion. Science cannot afford to divorce religion or as some would have it "eradicate" religion altogether...
Whirling Moat