Agreed. I think this is worded properly. stop his behaviour..Not Stop him. Stopping him would mean executing him entirely, all of his traits not just the menacing characteristics.
The root of all evil is Free Will, which is also the root of our divinity as human beings. Evil is a state of disorder and imbalance which manifests itself as deformities in desire. Evil incarnate seeks to satisfy its inordinate cravings and will spare no expense to possess what it desires, even if the cost are the lives of the undeserving and innocent.
For most religious institutions evil was not its progenitor..Most likely good intention was at the center of the movement during its inception..Evil is a liar..It infiltrates..and seduces...and rises to the crest of an organization and then it corrupts...ever hiding its hands.
Suit yourself
Whirling Moat
Quote:If a man beats a woman the root of his anger may stem from childhood abuse himself.. But an ethical society would be remiss if it did not stop his behavior currently..
Agreed. I think this is worded properly. stop his behaviour..Not Stop him. Stopping him would mean executing him entirely, all of his traits not just the menacing characteristics.
Quote:The trouble maker is wrapped up in the person who is making the trouble..
Quote:Plus, I'm interested in what you think is the root of ALL evil.. and how you define evil.. Because there should be no harm in pointing out where it resides.. especially if it is proliferate in a certain type of thinking which produces institutions whereupon the majority of the world are cultivated...
The root of all evil is Free Will, which is also the root of our divinity as human beings. Evil is a state of disorder and imbalance which manifests itself as deformities in desire. Evil incarnate seeks to satisfy its inordinate cravings and will spare no expense to possess what it desires, even if the cost are the lives of the undeserving and innocent.
For most religious institutions evil was not its progenitor..Most likely good intention was at the center of the movement during its inception..Evil is a liar..It infiltrates..and seduces...and rises to the crest of an organization and then it corrupts...ever hiding its hands.
Quote:No use engaging you in dialogue regarding a process by which you can't acknowledge the need to undertake.. I'd be happy to discuss healing with those who at least see the presence of the disease..
Suit yourself
Whirling Moat