(September 17, 2016 at 10:37 am)Excited Penguin Wrote: Whether what we experience exists outside of our minds or not is a moot point. Whether it does, or it doesn't, we will never know and we have no reason to believe it would make any difference either way.I agree.
Quote:Reality is there. We have to describe it somehow. The best way to describe it is as physical and/or material.Ideas are real, too, are they not. And describing them in terms of particular brain arrangements or function is not only impossible, it would be pointless. We talk about experiences in subjective terms all the time.
Quote: To claim there's some other plane beyond that is to delve into stupidity. Just so, matter is simply an idea used to explain certain phenomena. Unless you scientifically arive at a better way to describe these things, you're doing nothing but circling the drain of intellectual bedrock.There's nothing wrong with how we describe these things. However, the source attribution we make about the SOURCE of the experiences we are describing is not only unprovable, it is unnecessary either to the process of description, or of doing good science. We don't have to cling to an outdated billiard-balls view of reality in order to have an interest in reality and in its investigation.