(November 13, 2016 at 2:47 am)Opoponax Wrote: ...that I should say hi here.
Atheist, centrist, father, middle-aged, gun owner/yet against guns; horrified at recent election/disgusted with those who didn't bother to vote who voted for Obama last time. Sorry, I'm way preoccupied with the election results right now, so I'm afraid I'm gonna be a one-note instrument for awhile.
I'll try to do better.
Thanks for having me.
Welcome. I hate guns myself, but it certainly is a myth that liberals want to take every single firearm away, merely were saying we have gun death problem and just like you cant drive a military armed tank on a public road, no, you don't need big clips or spray weapons.
I am pissed off too, not at the electoral college but at the infighting in my party, our party's failure to learn from Gore and our long term apathy in local and state elections. I don't want a gun right now regardless of my depression an anxiety, but if you listen to the "no rules" right wing gun nuts, since I have no record, I could literally go to a gun shop today, pass a background check, and nothing could stop me.
But that sick demagogue has turned the White House into his own fake reality TV studio. My friend in Australia and my X wife who lives in Japan are scared like me. I am sure most sane on this planet are.
If we are lucky, he will simply keep his mess on the ground as far as a war and not cause a civil war here. IF WE ARE LUCKY.