(November 18, 2016 at 11:06 pm)Faith No More Wrote: Did you notice that Gary Johnson was getting three times the votes as Jill Stein? You think a bunch of liberals went and voted for a Libertarian? No, the fact of the matter is that there were equal if not more Republicans refusing to vote for their candidate as there were liberals voting third party. Hell, some Republicans actually voted for Hillary.
The third parties didn't syphon anything. They were merely the dumping grounds for the frustrated voters.
There was an unprecedented number of Republicans denouncing Trump and refusing to vote for him, and she still couldn't beat that racist demagogue. There is no one to blame except the DNC and Hillary
1. I never said that all Libertarians would have voted for Hillary.
2. A lot of people voted for Gary Johnson just because that's the third party name they heard most often.
But if those people would have bothered to face the reality that either Trump or Hillary was going to win, I trust they would have made the sensible decision.
Ultimately, Democrats not showing up is to blame, but a protest vote in this election was bereft of forethought. As I said already in this thread, there wasn't a single third party candidate on my ballot except the two hopeless fools we know about already. My district has over 300,000 people in it, and not a single third party candidate was up for anything. Not one.
Yet, these clowns are somehow going to get elected POTUS? It's absurd. They don't do the work required to win votes where they could actually make a difference, which is locally, so why on earth would they deserve a vote for President of the United States? This is here in Southern California. There are plenty of open minded people here relative to the midwest and south. Yet they can't get on a local ballot here??? That's laziness.
Until third parties lay the foundation upon which to build a viable political entity, they have no business getting anyone's POTUS vote. Hell, I'd vote Green for local office and if it was even somewhat close for a state or federal position, which means they would have done the work to get on the ballot and run a hard working campaign, they'd have my vote in a heartbeat. Instead, the most significant things they've managed to do is help Dubbya and Trump get elected.