(December 17, 2016 at 12:37 am)paulpablo Wrote: I agree with what people are saying about celebrity news and I think that's a trend that's got out of hand.
In England it's got to the level of insanity where it's literally news worthy if a female celebrity leaves the house without make up and still looks good. It's not like she suddenly looks like a mutant without make up either she just looks like a good looking celebrity but not in make up.
As for the media reporting more on local news and local acts of terrorism then yeh that's obvious because it's more of a direct threat to us and our family.
The BBC is going to cover attacks on the british more than America and American media is going to cover more American things and African media will cover more African things.
I think that most people need to ignore the true horror that is going on in the world, that way they can continue to believe that their lives are hard, and can be made less hard if only they buy more things. If people really knew and were connected with all the true suffering that goes on in the world, they might stop consuming a bunch of needless crap and actually do something with their lives.