I would like to thank the majority of people on this site for being so kind and taking the time to answer my questions. I am going to take a huge leap here, but honestly, I think it is time to think more critically.
I have now decided that I am an agnostic. I am still not 100% convinced that some of the concepts I have brought up are explainable by science, but I think that it is important to think critically as many have said. Before I was quite sure that religion is correct. Now, I realized there are many things I do think that kind of oppose religion such as:
I don't believe the earth is only 6000 years old
I believe in evolution
I don't believe the creation story, or genesis
I am not even sure I believe Jesus came back from the dead
Anyways, thanks for everything so far!
I have now decided that I am an agnostic. I am still not 100% convinced that some of the concepts I have brought up are explainable by science, but I think that it is important to think critically as many have said. Before I was quite sure that religion is correct. Now, I realized there are many things I do think that kind of oppose religion such as:
I don't believe the earth is only 6000 years old
I believe in evolution
I don't believe the creation story, or genesis
I am not even sure I believe Jesus came back from the dead
Anyways, thanks for everything so far!