It was quite an event. Although it was a small affair with only five of our friends (all of whom we'd met online), my mother, my aunt, and my brother. My mother kept asking me how I knew all these people. The invitations were e-invites and we broadcast the wedding and some of the surrounding festivities on At the park where we held the ceremony, we set up a mobile hotspot and three computers. Nearly 2500 people watched the wedding.
Religion is not the answer-it is the problem. Everything considered, we would be better off without it.~Baubles of Blasphemy~Edwin F. Kagin
"Much better to have the ability to think critically, than the ability to quote scripture. One says you have a functioning mind. The other says you're a parrot." -- The Secular Buddhist
"Much better to have the ability to think critically, than the ability to quote scripture. One says you have a functioning mind. The other says you're a parrot." -- The Secular Buddhist