(March 8, 2017 at 10:05 am)Harris Wrote: What counterpoint have you made so far. Out in thin air I can also say:
(Sepher ikkarim III c 25)
"Even the best of the JEWS should all be killed".
(Soferim 15, Rule 10)
The document I have recommended contains VERIFIABLE FACTS. These facts are not based on UNTRACEABLE ANONYMOUS SOURCES or REPREHENSIBLE EYEWITNESS TESTIMONIES.
Reading perhaps is a cumbersome deal for you therefore, I am giving you couple of links to the lectures so you can have some idea on what are scholarly arguments given by a professional historian based on 30 years of research. His knowledge on Hitler and Third Reich is incomparable and no Jew and no Cuck can dare to knock him down purely on academic grounds. He has bravely exposed the reality of Hitler and HOLOHOAX and exactly for that reason Jews HATE him the most.
We're talking numbers here. I'm not watching propaganda videos. You said the number was nowhere near 6m. I showed you the basis for that figure (which as you will note is not 'exactly' 6m, sorry to spoil that part of your insane narrative), but you can't be bothered to look.
All you've come up with is an article that wilfully misrepresents a document that recorded the number of known registered deaths at concentration camps as being the total deaths under the holocaust, totally ignoring
a) that the original Nazi documentation upon which the figures quoted on the document and in the article are based is incomplete due to the deliberate Nazi destruction of records, and
b) unregistered deaths both in and outside of the camps, and
c) the murder of Jews by Nazi-sympathising regimes such as Romania.
And you're too fucking lazy to do some basic research and find out you've been lied to, much easier for you just to get all your opinions from you imam and youtube amirite?
And you accuse me of finding reading cumbersome
Goodbye, don't let the door hit you on the way out.