OK, This is what religion does to people, take heed all you fu&#k up pieces of religious s&*t
My wife's niece arrived here and bought a house across the street, she has 1 child with her, and is a single mom, but also a bi-sexual too, now, my stepson has been a religious freak for many years, today his wife bought over the 3 grand-kids, the oldest being 13, the grand-kids mom dropped off the kids and the 2nd oldest told the little girl "when you move into your house we are not allowed to play with you unless you're here with grandpa and grandma", as a result of this my wife called her son and was immediately told "our religion says that same sex relationships is a sin, and I DON'T want MY kids anywhere around it, I don't care if she is family or not, MY kids will NOT be coming round again until this sinner is at least 5 states away from you, and because you didn't join our church YOU are to blame for this not US, and being married to that ATHEIST (me), will only break up the family".
Do ya'll see how these f%^#ked up pieces of religious s#$t use emotional blackmail to break up families.
I had to take the kids back home, but during that time, she took an overdose of pills, and is now in hospital, my stepson wouldn't talk to me, but told the nurse, "when she wakes up, tell her, you only have yourself to blame."
My wife's niece arrived here and bought a house across the street, she has 1 child with her, and is a single mom, but also a bi-sexual too, now, my stepson has been a religious freak for many years, today his wife bought over the 3 grand-kids, the oldest being 13, the grand-kids mom dropped off the kids and the 2nd oldest told the little girl "when you move into your house we are not allowed to play with you unless you're here with grandpa and grandma", as a result of this my wife called her son and was immediately told "our religion says that same sex relationships is a sin, and I DON'T want MY kids anywhere around it, I don't care if she is family or not, MY kids will NOT be coming round again until this sinner is at least 5 states away from you, and because you didn't join our church YOU are to blame for this not US, and being married to that ATHEIST (me), will only break up the family".
Do ya'll see how these f%^#ked up pieces of religious s#$t use emotional blackmail to break up families.
I had to take the kids back home, but during that time, she took an overdose of pills, and is now in hospital, my stepson wouldn't talk to me, but told the nurse, "when she wakes up, tell her, you only have yourself to blame."