I am so fucking sick of the "atheist=Marx, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Po Pot".
All of those leaders regardless of their personal beliefs lead RELIGIOUS MAJORITIES and had the support of religious people. Atheists are individuals, the atheists I call sane HATE DICTATORS! Christopher Hitchens hated Saddam, hated Kim Jong Un/Ill and wrote a book about Thomas Jefferson, "Jefferson, Author Of America".
It is not impossible for an atheist to value open societies and pluralism and human rights.
All of those leaders regardless of their personal beliefs lead RELIGIOUS MAJORITIES and had the support of religious people. Atheists are individuals, the atheists I call sane HATE DICTATORS! Christopher Hitchens hated Saddam, hated Kim Jong Un/Ill and wrote a book about Thomas Jefferson, "Jefferson, Author Of America".
It is not impossible for an atheist to value open societies and pluralism and human rights.