(April 5, 2017 at 9:12 am)SteveII Wrote: I see time after time objections lodged against Christians where it is clear that the writer does not know what they are talking about. Many of you argue about a caricature of Christianity to strengthen your arguments or justification in your mind that you are right. Other times, you fail to distinguish the actions of a person from what a Christian is. I think some clarification and discussion is in order.
What Christians are called to be (all based in the NT):
1. Has an undiluted devotion to Jesus.
2. Pursues a biblically informed view of the world.
3. Is intentional and disciplined in seeking God's direction.
4. Worships, and with a spirit of continuous repentance.
5. Builds healthy human relationships.
6. Knows how to engage the larger world.
7. Senses a personal "call" and unique competencies.
8. Is merciful and generous to those who are weaker.
9. Appreciates that suffering is part of faithfulness to Jesus.
10. Is eager and ready to express the content of his faith.
11. Overflows with thankfulness.
12. Has a passion for reconciliation.
Above list from http://www.christianitytoday.com/pastors...stian.html
What Christians are not required to have:
1. A specific view on Genesis 1
2. Anti-science opinions and/or philosophy
3. Belief that evolution is false
4. Misogynistic views
5. A worldview with gaps of logic or reasoning
6. Hatred for any group of people
Any additions to the list?
Other thoughts?
Respectfully I would say that picture of a 'Christian' actually describes one or two members of the body (as in Paul's description of the Church in 1 cor 12.) in that your description describes one specific type of Christian. But again, where would the sense of hearing be if all were and eye? Or how can we hold and comfort if all were elbows...
In reality we have been given just 2 commands Love out lord God with all of our being, and love each other as we love ourselves. This may manifest in a 1,000,000 different ways Not mention what is on your list. It all depends on who we are and our gifts abd want to use them.