Quote:SteveII Wrote:
Well, except for the evidence (1)we do have (which I will repeat as often as you make your silly, juvenile claim):
The only evidence you have is the fucking bible which is worthless for a variety of reasons namely having to do with the fact that no one knows who wrote it or when or what sources were used. Pointing to your fucking bible to prove your fucking bible is a rather pointless exercise. I can point to the line in Star Wars when Luke blows up the Death Star but that does not make it true.
If you had the nerve you'd read some scholarly work written by non-jesus freak scholars. But I'm sure you don't have that level of risk.
Quote:No Jew worth his salt would have converted when being told that he was
guilty of killing the messiah. No Greek would have been persuaded by
the dismal logic of the argumentation of the sermons. The scene would
not have made sense as h istory to anyone during the first century with
first-hand knowledge of Christians. Jews, and the date of the temple in
Jerusalem. So what do we have on our hands? An imaginary reconstruction
in the interest of aggrandizing an amalgam view of Christianity
early in the second century. Luke did this by painting over the messy
history of conflictual movements throughout the first century and in his
own time. He cleverly depicted Peter and Paul as preachers of an identical
gospel. . . . That is myth making in the genre of epic. There is not the
slightest reason to take it seriously as history. 16
--Burton Mack, 'Many Movements, Many Myths; Redescribing the Attractions of Ear\y Christianities.