For those of us that have or think they might have a problem with ETOH this should be a very cautionary tale.
Louisiana judge (58 yrs) removed from the bench for alcohol abuse and placed in assisted living specializing in memory care. Diagnosed with severe WKS. She may have come to late to the sobriety party.
Notice that she believes that there have been no problems with her prior duties. Quote: "There have been thousands and thousands of cases that I have handled where that was never even an issue," Minaldi said. "I'm sure some will be challenged. Anyone can file a lawsuit regardless of its merit. But, I don't believe for a second that any of those cases, meritoriously, will be challenged."
Louisiana judge (58 yrs) removed from the bench for alcohol abuse and placed in assisted living specializing in memory care. Diagnosed with severe WKS. She may have come to late to the sobriety party.
Notice that she believes that there have been no problems with her prior duties. Quote: "There have been thousands and thousands of cases that I have handled where that was never even an issue," Minaldi said. "I'm sure some will be challenged. Anyone can file a lawsuit regardless of its merit. But, I don't believe for a second that any of those cases, meritoriously, will be challenged."
Being told you're delusional does not necessarily mean you're mental.