(April 27, 2017 at 12:03 pm)Neo-Scholastic Wrote:
It would be wise to remember that the free will versus predestination debate has a long history even within the Christian church. Personally, I think scripture in indeterminate and I'm not sure that it matters a whole lot. What I do know is that we love Him, because He loved us first.
It would be wise to remember it is still a book of myth. Men don't magically pop out of dirt, women don't come from a man's rib. Donkeys and snakes and bushes don't talk. Nobody poofed water instantly into wine. Nobody rose the dead. No such thing as magic babies with super powers. And humans don't survive the torture act the bible would imply is possible.
"Paul said" yea the same character who was an asshole prior as "Saul".
But I guess if you ask forgiveness you can do all sorts of shitty things.
I am for forgiveness too, but that would still be my choice, and even so, if someone did what Saul did, regardless of "forgiveness" in real life those people do some serious time in prison.
So all you have to do after you murder someone for their wallet is say, "my bad" and both the murderer and dead victim end up in heaven together?
Again, I can forgive someone sure, but depending on what they did to me, would not mean I would want to spend one more minute with them.
Sorry, that is still an old book of myth and even the Paul/Saul story is a twisted and vile story.
Same with God allowing the infanticide of the Egyptian first born over an adult beef. Same with the genocide of the flood story.
Roof was forgiven by some of the family members but none of them would ever, even in that case, want to let him out of prison.
The Saul/Paul story is a myth too. Still a book of myth, written for the people back then, and does not represent our better understanding of human behavior or legal system we have today.