TheSaddestOfSouls Wrote:Ok well, that's hilarious. Well have fun floating around in infinite space with absolutely nothing i guess, even an idea of significance in yourself for who you actually are, doomed at any second to anything. You guys are truly sad. Becoming an atheist is the easiest thing ever. Maybe that's the problem. To fucking lazy to ever do any work anyways. LOL. Kudos guys.
You guys are retarded. I sound crazy? This lady says the soul that anybody, even her could see with current technology and some people see with their own eyes. It's fake. It doesn't exist. That is the aura, it does exist. How would you explain it otherwise. Maybe it's floating around in space? I don't get it. You are energy or a soul so how do you go from at least trying to understand to nothingness again. That doesn't even make sense or ever was even a little smart. I'm sorry. That energy just doesn't exist i guess because you said it was so, great job?
Welcome, TheSaddestofSouls. I hope your experience here, and our experience of you, improves.
If atheism were so easy, it would be much more common. It can be difficult to critically analyze the religious beliefs you were indoctrinated in for as long as you can remember and walk away from a belief system that everyone around you seems committed to maintaining. It's a fact that most people tend to take the path of least resistance...and most people hold religious beliefs. Those things are not unrelated.
The aura as commonly understood does not exist. There are things happening near the body that largely have to do with skin conductivity and moisture that can be photographed under certain conditions, but there's nothing supernatural about it, it doesn't reveal your personality, and people who claim to see them mistaking optical effects for something significant, if they aren't flat-out conning people.
There's a Nobel Prize waiting for someone who can prove souls are real as something that can exist outside a physical substrate, your opinion that it's already been proven just means you haven't looked into it much. New Age superstitions are still superstitions, even though it's popular to wrap them in vague pseudoscience jargon.
I'm not unsympathetic. When I was a teenager, I believed in all that stuff too. If I were unwilling to accept that there was a chance I might be wrong, I'd still be believing the same things now that I did 35 years ago. I wasn't handed the tools for critical thinking that led me to become a skeptic at an early age, I had to pursue them. But you have to value learning what is actually true over winning arguments, be willing to accept ambiguity and the unknown, and learn the difference between assertions and evidence.
I'm not anti-Christian. I'm anti-stupid.